373 examples of cuss in sentences

So we've a well-earned right to cuss, And you've no right to make a fuss.

The Duchess says she don't care a cuss for NAP, and that I mustn't neither. LEOPOLD, SIGMARINGEN-HOHENZOLLERN.

"Reckon Sis' Johnnie would run things to suit her an' you, Himes, you can cuss me out good an' plenty, but I take notice you seem to have trouble makin' your own family mind.

"Well, sir," scratching his head with his disengaged hand, "Thar ain't but two more places ter lookthe cuss is either in the lazaret, er' else hidin' in the passage forward; more likely the last.

Wouldn't I of been one to go, if it hadn't of been that I had a big knife-cut in my side you could of shoved a cat ingive to me by a slant-eyed cuss name of Baldy Winch.

They'll see that the laugh is on them, and they'll have a lot of fun out of it, and then send the old cuss along to another town with some more funny letters to fool the next ones."

He was, as Tutt put it, "a dangerous old cuss."

Besides being several other things, you're an ungrateful cuss.

Yo're on yore back now, but you'll be getting all right in a li'l while, and it's just possible, Bull, I might take it into my head to ask you what you meant by all them cuss words yo're throwin' at me.

"You'll cuss worse'n that when I go over and make Luke introduce me," he said.

"Well, but this is the town's property and we pay rates," was our rejoinder, and his was "Don't matter a cuss, if you were Lord Derby I should send you back."

Till your turn comes, and fortune smiles on you; If you can fight and lose and keep on fighting And to your early promises stay true; If you can go thru Hell to spend the summer And cuss, and freeze, and starve the winter thru And start in broke again another New Year You don't need this Land to make a man of you.

You bet we will; we'll just clean them out and give the money to some needy personthat is, you canand you'll meet many a poor cuss before you get to New York.

Did he set an' cry An' cuss the harricane sweepin' by?

No use to holler, mope, or cuss If they was changed they might be wuss.

"What are they going back for?" repeated Jerry; "why, to scalp that poor cuss they shot, I reckon.

Don't let's miss that anthem, for this cuss."

He noted the place where Jack used to scratch the door to get into the cabin, and started at the thought that he should hear it no more, and told himself, with many cuss-words, that he was "mighty glad of it."

" "'What under the son are you abowt,' cried I." "Sez he, 'What did you bring this pussylanermus cuss here fur?'

It's ten to one he sent that cuss to watch 'em.

I don't like to hear nobody cuss.

So 'ere's our philosophy, simple an' plain: Wotever we 'ates in the bloomin' campaign, 'Tis balm to our souls, as we grumble an' cuss, To feel that the Boches are 'atin' it wuss.

He had got about twenty ounces in his belt, and we shifted it into our bag, and were just going on when 'Zekelthat is one of my matessaid, 'I know this cuss, Dave; it's the chap that lived in that village close to where we were working six months ago; they said he had been fossicking all over Arizona, and that he was the only one who ever came back out of a party who went to locate a wonderful rich spot it was said he knew of.

It wouldn't be possible to find an ornerier cuss than you, if a man raked all hell with a fine-toothed comb.

"I can see him now putting his hands down so careful, and turning back every once in awhile to cuss me. Turned out that it was his cayuse, too.

373 examples of  cuss  in sentences