174 examples of custome in sentences

Now that such manner of doing, that is to say, custome of Pagans and heathen men, hath bene followed and practiced, by the children of Israel, after that hauing sacrificed to the golden calf; they gaue themselues to play, the scripture assureth us thereof, in the ii.

Finally a short time after, men haue so far disordered themselues, and broken the bondes and limits of honesty, that men & women haue daunsed togeather, or as wee would say, in mingle mangle, and namely and specially in feastes and banquets, in so much that we see, that this wicked and ungodlye custome, hath stretched forth it selfe euen unto us, and hath yet, or already the sway at this daye, more then euer it had.

The third councel of Toletum, condemneth the peruerse and wicked custome of suche people which occupied themselues in vile and infected daunses: and aboue all uppon the Sondayes, and holy dayes when they should haue imployed themselues in the seruice of God.

The third and last poynt sheweth us the fashion of the nations or people of the East, the outward gestures, and custome receaued among them, contrary herein to the westerne people.

And if that women should take tabourets in their handes, as we read that the women of Israel haue done: would not men thinke that they were out of their witt: which notwihstanding was not found in thought straung among the Israelites, because this was the custome of the nation and people.

Who but beleeves That Doublets with stuft bellies and big sleeves And those Trunk-hose which now our life doth scorne Were all in fashion and with custome worne?

When as they nigh approached, that good man, Seeing them wander loosly, first began T'enquire, of custome, what and whence they were.

[Page 202] Then young Laertes, in a Riotous head, Ore-beares your Officers, the rabble call him Lord, And as the world were now but to begin, Antiquity forgot, Custome not knowne, The Ratifiers and props of euery word, [Sidenote: 62]

Enquire The Custome of the Country, then Shall the French Lawyer set you free againe.

The Custome of the Country.

'Tis a rare guift 'mong many maides of these dayes; If she speed well she'le bring it to a Custome, Make her example followed to the spoyle Of much good sport: but I meane to looke to't.

Wilt breake custome?

He did appeare to meyour love, your husband, my old Mr.here, clapt me on the shoulder, as his old custome was still when he usd to talke with me familiarly.

Moreouer I bought three bales of Bombast cloth, which cost me eight hundred duckats, which was a good commoditie for Pegu: when I had bought these things, the Viceroy commanded that the custome of the Opium should be paide in Goa, and paying custome

Moreouer I bought three bales of Bombast cloth, which cost me eight hundred duckats, which was a good commoditie for Pegu: when I had bought these things, the Viceroy commanded that the custome of the Opium should be paide in Goa, and paying custome

But if they lade ten horses vpon purpose to pay the king his custome in Goa, and in the voyage any of them should die in that case, if they bring the taile of the dead horse to the custome in Goa, then the marchandize is free from all custome, because they were laden in Ormuz to pay custome in Goa.

The custome of Cochin as wel inward as outward for all strangers is eight in the hundred, but those that haue bene married foure yeere in the countrey pay but foure in the hundred, per aduiso. MALACCA.

The custome of Malacca is 10 in the 100 as wel inward as outward, and those which pay the custome inwards, if in case they send the same goods for any other place within terme of a yeere and a day, pay no custome for the same.

For custome in Babylon, as in the booke appeareth.

And yet through thy cleare arguments I see Thy speach is farre exempt from flatterie; And how illiterate custome groslie erres Almost in all traditions she preferres.

Either the man dislikes me, or his braine Is not his owne, to give such gifts in vaine, But 'tis the custome in this age to cast Gold upon gold, to encourage men to waste.

Sir, be credible, tis ballanst to be superlative politicke custome in these houres to dwell in shallowe accoutrements, as a defence for the abilitie of his pursse from the infringed Oath of some impudent face, that will borrowe a gentlemans revenewes if he be vestally adornd:

I doo not read that this custome of saving by the booke is vsed anie where else then in England; neither doo I find (after much diligent inquirie) what Saxon prince ordeined that lawe" (Book II. cap.

For Dionysius whom he meant, first brought the custome into that country.

Of custome, yeere by yeere, Men have an usaunce, in this regioun, To loke and serche Cupide's kalendere, And chose theyr choyse, by grete affeccioun; Such as ben move with Cupide's mocioun, Taking theyr choyse as theyr sorte doth falle; But I love oon whyche excellith alle.

174 examples of  custome  in sentences