472 examples of cuttings in sentences

It is propagated from cuttings, requires much hoeing and weeding, giving employment to thousands upon thousands of slaves in the slave countries, and attains maturity in twelve or thirteen months.

When in England, he saw Pope, who gave him cuttings from his Twickenham willow.

To the natives of Winland, the Icelanders gave the name of Skraellinger, signifying cuttings or dwarfs, on account of their being of very low stature.

Inger had left behind some cuttings of fuchsia, under glass.

Oline took the glass off and, putting it back, pressed it down hard and maliciously; next day, all the cuttings were dead.

First of all there were the flowers she had brought with herbulbs and cuttings; little lives these too, that must be thought of.

So they went to Paris, where their cuttings-up were not noticed.

The traveller is whirled by culverts, abutments, and walls of dressed granite,through cuttings where the earth on either side is carefully paved or turfed to the summit.

Furthermore, all the new species of trees, cuttings or plants introduced to this country are given thorough examination and inspection by government experts at the ports where the products are received from abroad.

They aim to harvest the tree yield more thoroughly and to extend their cuttings over many years.

They succeed in any ordinary soil if the situation is warm and sheltered, and are readily raised by cuttings.

Any of these may be increased by cuttings.

May be grown from seed, which should be soaked in warm water for twenty-four hours, or they may be propagated by layers, cuttings placed in heat, or suckers.

It will grow in any soil, and may be increased by cuttings of half-ripened wood.

It may be propagated by seeds or cuttings.

It is multiplied by cuttings or seeds.

Cuttings of this greenhouse herbaceous plant may be struck in autumn, though they are usually taken from the old plants in spring.

They are increased by seeds, divisions, or off-sets; the greenhouse varieties from cuttings in light loam under glass.

They flower in June and July, and may be increased by cuttings or division.

It may be increased by cuttings taken in spring and planted in the shade in leaf-mould.

Choice sorts may be plentifully increased by cuttings taken in July or August.

Cuttings of half-ripened wood planted under glass will take root.

Cuttings will strike if planted in sand under glass with a little bottom heat.

It may be raised from cuttings placed in sand under glass.

Are you prepared to submit proof of your title to the Commission?Certainly; but it would probably mean bringing forty van-loads of press-cuttings and cause considerable congestion of traffic.

472 examples of  cuttings  in sentences