1189 examples of dagger in sentences

There was a dagger on it.

For a moment he paused; then, drawing a dagger from his bosom, he flung himself on Lord Masterton, and, with one blow, stretched him dead at his feet.

The Tradesman's Wound is received from one who is more private and more cruel than the Ruffian with the Lanthorn and Dagger.

I have seen a new Actor in a Tragedy so bound up by it as to be scarce able to speak or move, and have expected he would have died above three Acts before the Dagger or Cup of Poison were brought in.

The bravest are not proof against the dagger of an assassin.

This will be striking the dagger into the very heart of the monster, and once this done, he must soon expire.

It would have been merciful in comparison, if I had planted a dagger in his heart.

But the dagger was in it, its beating was past.

Round the neck of the youth a light chain was entwining, The dagger had cleft it, she joined it again.

He did not undertake any such project by day (for his son and others surrounding him kept him under surveillance), but when evening was come he slipped a tiny dagger secretly under his pillow, and asked for Plato's book on the Soul, which he had written out.

When he had read the work through, as it drew on toward midnight, he stealthily drew out the dagger, and smote himself upon the belly.

Then they took away the dagger and locked the doors, that he might obtain sleep,for they had no idea of his perishing in any other way.

The lifted dagger was arrested in the air; and not seldom would the Khan, when looking upon her, defer projects of danger and blood, lest he should be parted from his darling daughter.

[Footnote 17: Dagger or poniard.

These weapons are of various forms, and generally much more formidable than would be suggested to an European by the name dagger.

Aroused by the report and by the pain, the tiger gave a roar, and with a couple of bounds, dashed at me before I had time to draw my dagger: with one leap, he hurled me on the ground, trode on me with his hind feet, and I only know that at this moment there resounded a cry, and the shot of Ammalát, and afterwards a deafening and tremendous roar.

I pursued him a long time as soon as he betook himself to flight, following him by his bloody track: the day began to fail, and when I plunged my dagger into the throat of the fallen tiger, dark night had fallen upon the earth.

It sometimes happens that they will pass a day or two in the vineyards by the village, awaiting a favourable opportunity to fall upon it unexpectedly; and hence the Kazák of the Line never stirs over his threshold without his dagger, nor goes into the field without his gun at his back: he ploughs and sows completely armed.

This moment of suspense and irresolution was the moment of his destruction; a dagger , directed by a strong arm, whistled through the air, and the Kazák, transfixed, fell without a groan to the earth.

The Captain, with a smile, seized with his left hand a huge dagger, and in an instant an immense head fell at the feet of the astonished spectators, whose surprise was instantly succeeded by a desire to do the same: they hacked and hewed, but all in vain.

Dagger of the mind.

SEE Richardson, Henry Handel. Is this a dagger.

"Juliet, a noble maiden of the citie of Verona, which loved Romeo, eldest son of the Lord Monteschi; and being privily married together, he at last poisoned himself for love of her: she, for sorrow of his death, slew herself with his dagger."

It was fastened by a silver girdle, from which depended on one side a strong sword, and on the other a dagger, the richly wrought handle of which seemed to declare it of Turkish make.

He had not even a dagger at his girdleflight would have been useless.

1189 examples of  dagger  in sentences