124 examples of damper in sentences

Jack had served as a damper for his friend's anger and enthusiasm more than once.

I feel myself very often an old damper in your company.

Given these forestswhich, by the way, extended over the greater part of Englandwe must infer a climate totally unlike ours of this present day, damper perhaps, but milder.

Comes round to our house to eat Mabel's damper and syrup three nights a week.

"Guess so," he said, "you fellows rip open the ends of these cushions, but don't tear the covering any, and somebody get the stove cleared out; see if there's a damper in the pipe, and see if there's any bilge under the flooring.

There was a stove in the main cabin with a stovepipe going straight up through the roof like a smoke stack and there was a damper in it right near the stove.

As soon as he had a good fire started he stuffed some of the damp excelsior in and shut the door, and told Artie Van Arlen (he's their patrol leader) to hold a rag over the crack in the door, because the black smoke was pouring out that way, especially because the damper in the pipe was shut.

" Then he put his hand on the damper in the pipe and turned it and then the smoke in the cabin wasn't so bad.

Then he groped around to get hold of the damper, for he was blindfolded and the smoke in there was getting thicker and thicker.

Then he opened the damper three times, each about twenty seconds, and I could hear the fellows up on the roof shouting.

Then it came faster and faster and it seemed as if he must be turning that damper like a telegraph operator moves his key.

And I saw Wig Weigand lying there right under the stove pipe and his hand was reaching up holding the damper, and his hand was all white like and his eyes were wide open and staring.

I knew that up to six or seven inches from the floor there is never much smoke and I knew he must have lain down low when he was almost unconscious and worked that damper.

The court was colder and damper, and even beyond the chill was more penetrating than it had been at the grave that noon.

When the tenants left the cabin they closed the damper, fastened the window-hooks, and locked the door.

The thought, however, that though I was twenty-three years old, I had yet to learn what most boys of eight years knew, was rather a damper on my spirits.

All that we know indicates that at the time of the Peking Man there must have been a warmer and especially a damper climate in North China and Inner Mongolia than today.

What a damper of sentiment!

In the damper places a wild tangle of ferns and vines and bracken entirely hid the earth from view.

The men boiled the billy and made the tea, which we drank out of tin pots, with tinned fish and damper off tin plates as the completion of the menu, Mr Ledwood and I at a little distance from the men.

Also, and this was equally unexpected, since one rather thought he would go on living forever, like one of the damper sort of fungi, Mr. Denby came home from the club one rainy spring night with a slight cold and died, three days later, with extraordinary gentleness.

Nautica sat studying the firelight (not exactly in a dreamy old fireplace, but through a damper-hole in the stove), and at length voiced the inspiration that she got.

Using the damper pedal; piano. NM: text, lessons & illus.

Those who have ears to hear discern low, rumbling noises that foretell convulsions in our social world that may, perchance, in the next upheaval, bring woman to the surface; up, up, from gloomy ocean depths, dark caverns, and damper valleys.

A dry climate must have changed to one much damper; heat must have changed to cold, warm winds to chilly storms.

124 examples of  damper  in sentences