16134 examples of dangers in sentences

Would it get through the many dangers and difficulties it was certain to encounter on the way?

It was with due regard to its dangers, but with a certainty that it was worth it, that I accepted the task which the fates had forced upon me.

They may now reflect with Pleasure on the Dangers they have escaped, and look back with as much Satisfaction on their Perils that threat'ned them, as their Great-Grandmothers did formerly on the Burning Plough-shares, after having passed through the Ordeal Tryal.

It is a mere matter of historical fact that no oppression has half the dangers of an obvious reform.

The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious to be disregarded.

The next violation of what seemed to him a right course for a young man to pursue, was in suffering himself to be persuaded to visit frequently the theatre; although his father had expressly desired that he would avoid a place where lurked for the young and inexperienced so many dangers.

The seven men who first braved the dangers of the icy trail in the work of rescue came over a trackless, ragged waste of snow, varying from ten to forty feet in depth, and approached the camp-site near the lake at sunset.

The dangers and difficulties encountered by reason of taking the Hastings Cut-off had all been surmountedtwo weeks more and we should have reached our destination in safety.

He could not mourn for her; for he felt that she was safer with her mother, in that world where there are no more sorrows and dangers, than she could have been with him.

Thus access can be had by pedestrians to all parts of the Park at times when the roads are thronged with vehicles, without any delays or dangers in crossing the roads, and without the humiliation to sensitive democrats of being spattered or dusted, or looked down upon from luxurious equipages.

This the philosophers of the Cotton dynasty fairly avow and class high among those dangers against which it behooves them to be on their guard.

When occurring in the middle zone, the surgeon's statements should be most guarded, and the dangers attending a wound in that particular position fully explained to the owner.

Mammy Jane had been very much disturbed by the recent dangers through which little Dodie had passed; and his escape from strangulation, in the first place, and then from the knife had impressed her as little less than miraculous.

Mr. Chairman, this is a fatal section, which has created more dangers than any other.

"To punish a horse-thief or prosecute a debtor one was sometimes compelled to travel a distance of several hundred miles, and be subjected to all the dangers and delays incident to a wild country."

Their common dangers, two in particular.

Yet he said never a word, but, as the night with its illimitable hours passed, he grew defiant of difficulties and dangers, all of which became but little things in presence of his hunger.

The independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.

And here was one of Aurora's dangers.

Strange as it may seem, it is nevertheless true, that, in this conjuncture, exhausted with hunger, destitute of all provision for the future, and surrounded with the most alarming dangers, my mind suddenly became glowing, animated, and cheerful.

The huntsmen are not out to-day, and there are no other dangers at hand that I can see."

You live in the lap of luxury, I can see, but you are surrounded by dangers; whereas at home I can enjoy my simple dinner of roots and corn in peace.

I bethought me of the dangers of the land, whence none assailed me: but I feared no peril from the sea, yet thence has come my ruin.

To tell of the dangers, the adventures, and the hair-breadth escapes that the crew of the Pole Star went through before the vessel finally went down, would require a whole volume.

Thus Fred and his friend went hand in hand together, respected and blessed by all who knew themeach year as it passed cementing closer and closer that undying friendship which had first started into being in the gay season of boyhood, and had bloomed and ripened amid the adventures, dangers, and vicissitudes of the World of Ice.

16134 examples of  dangers  in sentences