16 examples of darby's in sentences

But, fortunately for Abraham, it was Captain Darby's custom to count ten whenever seized by an exasperated impulse, and at the ninth number he regretfully dropped the paper.

"Ef I'd a-knowed that yew had more lives 'n my Maltese cat," Samuel was muttering over Abe by this time, "I'd" Count, count went Captain Darby's fingers.

" Mary thought she detected a twinkle in Darby's eye over this mention of Aunt Lucile, but it was gone before she could make sure.

" It was not until she had spent that heart-tearing five minutes at her father's bedside, while she talked cheerful little encouraging futilities in a voice dry with the effort she had to make to keep it from breaking, that she saw her auntand felt grateful for Doctor Darby's warning.

She walked along with them to the door, slipping her arm inside Doctor Darby's as she did so.

"Because those were Doctor Darby's orders.

And the finality of despair seemed to settle over the droll features as he walked nearer and took Darby's hand.

The brief inquisition that followed, changing the entire current of Ben Darby's life, occurred in the private office of McNamara, the Governor.

Not ambition, not hatrednot even such fire of fury as had been wakened in Wolf Darby's heart that first frenzied night on the hillsidecould have been the impulse for such fortitude and sacrifice as hers.

This Darby's got a letter in his pocket from Hiram's brother that would stand in any court.

She's Ben Darby's squaw.

Darby's hat falls off.)

veuve Charles Henri Hirsch, née Marie Angèle Godivier (W) DARBY'S ROSE CERATE DIRECTIONS.

SEE Darby's rose cerate directions. R62153.

veuve Charles Henri Hirsch, née Marie Angèle Godivier (W) DARBY'S ROSE CERATE DIRECTIONS.

SEE Darby's rose cerate directions. R62153.

16 examples of  darby's  in sentences