71 examples of darked in sentences

that hadst rather with false lights and darke Beguiled be then see the ware thou buyest.

What horred iourney wandrest thou, my soule, Under th'earth in darke, dampe, duskie vaults?

Within this ore-growne Forrest there is found A duskie Caue[106], thrust lowe into the ground, So vgly darke, so dampie and

And his darke cabine boldly will I shake Vntill the drowsie lumpish God awake, And such a bounsing at his Caue Ile keepe That if pale death seaz'd on the eyes of sleepe Ile rowse him up; that when he shall me heare He make his locks stand vp on end with feare.

My Lord, do ye not mark How the skie thickens and begins to darke? Asca.

As well I might be said to touch the skie, Or darke the horizon with tapestrie, Or walke upon the waters of the sea, As to be haunted with such lunacie.

Thalia, neare the cave where she remaines The Fayries keepe: request them of their paines, And in my name bid them forthwith provide From that darke place to be the Ladies guide;

Darke as it is, by the twilight of my Lanthorne methinks I see a company of Woodcocks.

440 "Ne feard the burning waves of Phlegeton, Nor those same mournfull kingdomes, compassed With rustle horrour and fowle fashion; And deep digd vawtes*; and Tartar covered With bloodie night and darke confusion; 445 And iudgement seates, whose iudge is deadlie dred, A iudge that after death doth punish sore The faults which life hath trespassed before.

Thou art above their Censure, whose darke Spirits Respects but shades of things, and seeming merits; That have no soule, nor reason to their will, But rime as ragged, as a Ganders Quill: Where Pride blowes up the Error, and transfers Their zeale in Tempests, that so wid'ly errs.

Nor art Thou Loud and Cloudy; those that do Thunder so much, do't without Lightning too; Tearing themselves, and almost split their braine To render harsh what thou speak'st free and cleane; Such gloomy Sense may pass for High and Proud, But true-born Wit still flies above the Cloud; Thou knewst 'twas Impotence what they call Height; Who blusters strong i'th Darke, but creeps i'th Light.

Thou couldst unfold darke Plots, and shew that path By which Ambition climbed to Greatnesse hath.

Tis as darke as Pitch: I can resemble our Campe to nothing better then hell, save that in hell they are always waking and heere the villaynes are as drowsie as swyne.

She was too bright before, till being hid Under that envious cloud, it took the place Of a darke ground to show a lovelyer face.

Why do you not then carry up a light, But suffer them to tarry in the darke? Rach.

By my troth twas so darke I could see no bodie.[To people.

The head and legges Ile leave in some darke place; I care not if they finde them yea or no. Ra.

In some darke place nere to Bainardes Castle.

What differ wee i'th darke, save our shaven crowne, From gentlemen, nay Lords?

the room's too darke.

Most of the Quaker settlements of Negroes with which he was connected were made in what is now Hamilton, Howard, Wayne, Randolph, Vigo, Gibson, Grant, Rush, and Tipton Counties, Indiana, and Darke County, Ohio.

And I of whom the sight plounged in teres was darked, so that I ne might not know what that woman was, of so Imperial aucthoritie, I woxe all abashed and stonied, and cast my sight doune to the yerth, and began still for to abide what she would doen afterward.

"Th' earth cumbered, and the wing'd air darked with plumes."Id.

And you would say that sun and stars took part In that unnatural conflict; for a cloud Grew suddenly in heaven, and darked the sun Over the fighters' heads; and a wind rose Under their feet, and moaning swept the plain,

but all the Cope was darke, As it were hung so for her Exequies!

71 examples of  darked  in sentences