2670 examples of dart in sentences

Ah, Sophos, that fond blind boy, That wrings these passions from my Sophos' heart, Hath likewise wounded Lelia with his dart; And force perforce, I yield the fortress up: Here, Sophos, take thy Lelia's hand, And with this hand receive a loyal heart.

There was something about the thought of these people carelessly revelling at a time when, for all they knew, I was probably being dragged about the countryside by goats or chewed by elephants, that struck home at me like a poisoned dart.

And thus everything contributed to pierce her heart with a dart, of which she did not seem to be sensible.

With quick movements like Shrimps they dart away as you approach.

A voice of wail went through the palaces of Asgard when Balder was slain by the mistletoe dart.

Her strongest-wingëd dart my Muse hath yet in store.

Those in the almadia where he fell, took up the dart and gazed at it with wonder; yet they continued the attack with great vigour, and were courageously opposed by our caravels, insomuch that many of the Negroes were soon killed, without the loss of one man on our side.

Quicker than the dart of the python, the fierce onset of the kingly tiger, the sudden flash of the forked and quivering lightning, was the grasp made at the outstretched arm by the practised Brahmin.

The men and boys dart backwards and forwards, there is a steady drip, drip, of seed from the scoops, dense clouds of dust, and incessant noise and bustle.

I could then soar to a great height, or dart swiftly through the air.

She was a vigorous old woman, straight as a dart, slim as a girl, active in her degree as any young athlete among those hills, and she declared that she never felt the need of change of air.

Then Karthalo, who had the command of the cavalry, charging at full speed, and having put them to flight before he came within a dart's throw, pursued them for five miles almost in a continuous course.

And thus, before he came within a dart's throw or joined battle, he both stayed his friends from a precipitate flight and the enemy from excessive fierceness of fighting.

The file closers dart through the column; the captain and guides change.

If the company or platoons be formed in line toward the side of the file closers, they dart through the column and take posts in rear of the company at the second command.

We remarked in the branches of one of the trees a dark body, which, on nearer inspection, we found to be that of a large serpent, lying coiled up, and waiting, probably, to dart upon its prey.

Ah, see his uncomplaining soul sustain 85 The sting of insult, and the dart of pain; His stedfast spirit feels one pang alone; A child's despair awakes one suff'ring groan

while groaning nature weeps "The limits of thy mercy dares to scan, "The object of thy love, his victim,Man; "While yet I linger, lo, the suff'rer dies 115 "I see his frame convuls'dI hear his sighs "Whoe'er controuls the purpose of my heart "First in this breast shall plunge his guilty dart:" With anxious step he flew, with eager hands He broke the fetters, burst the cruel bands.

80 As thus the dying Cora's plaints arose, O'er the fair valley sudden darkness throws A hideous horror; thro' the wounded air Howl'd the shrill voice of nature in despair; The birds dart screaming thro' the fluid sky, 85

Till by despair impell'd, the rival train 195 Rush to the haughty victor's glitt'ring fane; Swift on their foe with rage impetuous dart, And plunge their daggers in his guilty heart.

I have seen one follow a bait within a foot of the spot where I have been standing; and the head keeper of Richmond Park assured me that he was once washing his hand at the side of a boat in the great pond in that Park, when a pike made a dart at it, and he had but just time to withdraw it.

Winslow Homer, compiled by Nathaniel Pousette-Dart.

R80195, 15Jun51, Nathaniel Pousette-Dart (A) HOOKER, BRIAN, tr.

R75016, 1Mar51, Henri Pourrat (A) POUSETTE-DART, NATHANIEL, comp.

POUSETTE-DART, NATHANIEL, comp. Winslow Homer.

2670 examples of  dart  in sentences