10 examples of datta in sentences

[Footnote 1: The Lichchhavis of Vaisâlî had sent to the young prince a very fine elephant; but when it was near Kapilavastu, Deva-datta, out of envy, killed it with a blow of his fist.

From the latter are descended the Ghosh, Basu, Mitra, Guha, and Datta families.

He was worth nearly Rs. 10,000, the whole of which was lent by him to a trader named Gopál Datta, certified by Shám Babu's brother-in-law Hari to be thoroughly trustworthy.

Some days later, a gleeful Rajan informed that it was just as well he had taken up that suggestion, since the UNI write-up had, in turn, provoked a series of lengthy polemical responses from the Panjim-based Konkani hardline supporter Datta Naik written to project the Konkani cause.

kihadiye prajâ 6. tasya Pravarakasya dhitu Vara[n.]asya gatvakasya ma|t|uya Mitra(?)sa ...datta 7. ye..|namo bhaga|vato mah|âvîrasya| and the translation (so far) will be, "Success!

Their greatest achievements, however, were two versions of Bhanu Datta's Rasamanjari, one of them completed in 1695, shortly after Raja Kirpal Pal's death, the other almost certainly fifteen years earlier.

For a detailed discussion of Bhanu Datta's Rasamanjari and of similar treatises by other Sanskrit authors, see V. Raghavan, Srngaramanjari of Saint Akbar Shah (Hyderabad, 1951).

Datta Basohli, Punjab Hills, c. 1680 Victoria and Albert Museum, London (I.S. 52-1953)

Although the Rasika Priya of Keshav Das was the manual of poetry most frequently illustrated by Indian artists, an earlier Sanskrit treatise, the Rasamanjari of Bhanu Datta, excited a particular raja's interest and resulted in the production at Basohli of a vividly illustrated text.

Although no inscription has so far been published, it is likely that this picture is an illustration to the Rasamanjari of Bhanu Datta.

10 examples of  datta  in sentences