7 examples of daubes in sentences

boil'd Tarts marrow to make transparent sweetmeat Toasts fry'd to make Tongues to roast to pot Sheep or Hog, to broil Tripes to fricassy to eat like Chickens Trout, or other Fish to fry Trench or Carp to stew + Mock turtle Turkey to boil to roast to pot A-la Daube V Veal Breast of, to brown Ragoo do.

DAUBIÈRE.An oval stewpan, in which daubes are cooked; daubes being meat or fowl stewed in sauce.

DAUBIÈRE.An oval stewpan, in which daubes are cooked; daubes being meat or fowl stewed in sauce.

LOIN OF VEAL, a la Daube. 888.

At the other end of the table scowled in death the grim countenance of a huge roast pike, flanked on one side by a leg of mutton à la daube, and on the other by the tempting delicacies of Bombarded Veal.

Before him still scowled in death the grim countenance of a huge roast pike, flanked on one side by a leg of mutton à-la-daube, and on the other by the tempting delicacies of bombarded veal.

A Leg of Mutton à-la-Daube:Lard your meat with bacon through, but slant-way; half roast it; take it off the spit, and put it in a small pot as will boil it; two quarts of strong broth, a pint of white-wine, some vinegar, whole spice, bay-leaves, green onions, savoury, sweet-marjoram; when 'tis stew'd enough, make sauce of some of the liquor, mushrooms, lemon cut like dice, two or three anchovies: thicken it with browned butter.

7 examples of  daubes  in sentences