377 examples of daunted in sentences

Well, sir, he turned the conversation as well as he could, and he took 'em down Love Lane to the water-meadows, and there Master Harry would have drowned himself in half a moment more, a-getting out a water-lily for herbut nothing daunted that boy.

The cock bird saw the tragic fate of its partner; but, nothing daunted, flew at the dog with a fierce cry, and pecked savagely at its face.

Nothing daunted, he returned to his quest for a court clientele, and was rewarded finally by having the moribund Louis XV as a patient.

A rejection daunted him no more than a poor recitation in the schoolroom; where would be the zest in life if one had not the chance of try

Then she goes forth like some David with his sling, so panoplied with courage that she is daunted by no Goliath of the Philistines.

The fierce warrior interrupted the preacher several times; told him that he had nothing to do with the lady, and that the sooner he returned to his cell the better; but the hermit, nothing daunted, went on with his advice till his antagonist lost all patience.

Admiring, but nothing daunted, the hero went on.

The drawings selected were to be engraved for the book, and, nothing daunted by the undertaking, Ericsson proposed to do this work himself.

The army marched to Muta in September, 629, and while on the way heard with alarm of the massing of the foe, whose numbers daunted even their savage bravery.

No, my lord, replied he, without being at all daunted at the presence of so great a man; but where we love all countenances are agreeable.

When on her journey, the pleasure she felt at seeing herself out of the walls of the monastery, was very much abated by the uncertainty how she should proceed, or where direct her way: and indeed, let any one figure to themselves the condition she was in, and they will rather wonder she had courage to go on, than that she was sometimes daunted even to despair.

God placed man at the head of the visible universe, and if he is to be thrown from his control, daunted by a bullet, or a wild horse, or a flash of lightning, or a lee shore, then man is dishonored, and the order of the universe deranged.

Falseron was daunted at this blow.

However, he was not daunted, but in some way he procured the means to defray his expenses, perhaps from his good brother Sidney, for the next letter to Mr. Vail is from Washington, on December 18, 1842: "I have not written you since my arrival as I had nothing special to say, nor have I now anything very decided to communicate in relation to my enterprise, except that it is in a very favorable train.

Nothing daunted, however, he went through the course, and afterwards published the lectures in a volume.

Mr. Chamberlain, however, was not the man to be daunted by the opposition of the gas and water company proprietors.

The penguins are not daunted in the least, but their ruffs go up and they squawk with semblance of anger, for all the world as though they were rebuking a rude strangertheir attitude might be imagined to convey 'Oh, that's the sort of animal you are; well, you've come to the wrong placewe aren't going to be bluffed and bounced by you,' and then the final fatal steps forward are taken

Having an audience of more than thirty men daunted him.

In them faith and patriotism were so blended that, like Cromwell's Ironsides, they were daunted by no odds.

However, as days went on, Lady Fairweather became somewhat daunted by the dire predictions of chills and fever as a result of our long lying in the marshes; and one day she deserted the ship and sailed away on a bigger one.

Krishna, however, is not at all daunted and after wrestling with the bull, catches its horns and breaks its neck.

But he was daunted by the immense risk and danger of the movement.

Rough, masterful, lawless, they were neither daunted by the prowess of the red warriors whose wrath they braved, nor awed by the displeasure of the Government whose solemn engagements they violated.

The latter never received the shock; but though they fled they were nothing daunted, for they turned the instant the battalion did, and followed firing.

The astonishment expressed in the young, childlike face daunted Emily for the moment.

377 examples of  daunted  in sentences