78 examples of deadlocks in sentences

The battle had reached a deadlock.

The offensive in the west has arrived at a deadlock.

" KEEPING THE GERMANS ON THE RUN The trench deadlock in northern France and Belgium was broken by Ludendorff's fatuous drive in March, 1918.

It was a military deadlock, but a deadlock full of danger for the side that first developed a weak point in its far-flung front.

DEADLOCK IN THE WEST During July and August there were no general engagements of importance in the Western theatre of war.

The deadlock continued.

No let-up in the determination of either side; no advance seemingly possible, no attack that was not followed by a counter-attack; no gain of any consequence anywhere; no possibility seemingly of any decisive battle; nothing in sight but an absolute deadlock.

Austrian armies numbering more than half a million men had driven the Italians back from the territory they had won in 1917 under General Cadorna, and had been brought to a stand on the river Piave, where a deadlock somewhat resembling that in front of Verdun had been maintained many months.

A deadlock was in sight, and Kurt grimly prepared to meet it.

In that year the Lords had rejected the Franchise Bill, and it was then that Mr. Bright, in a speech at Leeds dealing with the deadlocks between the two Houses, sketched a plan which was really the essence and origin of the principle adopted in the Parliament Act that has just become law.

They agreed that the Second Chamber must be reformed, and during the second general election in 1910 some of them declared for the Referendum as a solution of the difficulty of deadlocks between the two Houses.

For things were approaching a deadlock on the Tiber, and that river, too, must, it seemed, flow with blood before the year ran out.

It was a pitiful deadlockhonest for the most part; yet it was a deadlock which, as Dawson said, brought very near the day when English artillery would be firing shotted guns in English

And so today we pledge an end to the era of deadlock and drift, and a new season of American renewal has begun.

For a time there was quite a deadlock, as no name could be decided upon.

The deadlock soon got wind, and Amarendra Babu's action was severely commented on by the guests, but he remained obdurate.

There we halt to-day and stand at a deadlock, so far as the application of our theory may go.

There was a deadlock between them and both knew it.

The Italians and Austrians had come to a deadlock.

And when one goes up the scale from the urban district and rural district boundaries, one finds equally crazy county arrangements, the same tangle of obstacle in the way of quick, effective co-ordinations, the same needless multiplicity of clerks, the same rich possibilities of litigation, misunderstanding, and deadlocks of opinion between areas whose only difference is that a mischievous boundary has been left in existence between them.

The contest had become practically a deadlock, and a compromise was arranged by General Maximo Gomez, for the Cubans, and General Martinez Campos, for Spain.

Emboldened, he went on: "And you find all things at a deadlock in Washington to-day.

For AUSTEN (such is rumour's tale), Faced with a rude financial deadlock, Is bent on mulcting every male Who shirks the privilege of wedlock; With such a hurt Time cannot deal, And Lethe here affords no tonic; Nothing but Death can hope to heal What looks as if it must be chronic.

I have really done nothing this last month but look at my flowers, superintend the gathering of my plums, put up a few pots of confiture, mow the lawn, and listen to the guns, now and then, read the communiqués, and sigh over the disasters in the east and the deadlock at Gallipoli.

A deadlock resulted, which was broken when the Kaiser summoned both men to separate and secret conferences.

78 examples of  deadlocks  in sentences