64 examples of deadness in sentences

" "I told him to-night, Kittie, he's killin' me with his deadness.

The special spell of Dawson was upon them allthe surface aliveness, the inner deadness, the sense of being cut off from all the rest of the world, as isolated as a man is in a dream, with no past, no future, only a fantastic, intensely vivid Now.

Not that Tipp was blind to the deadness of things (as they call them in the city) in his beloved house, or did not sigh for a return of the old stirring days when South Sea hopes were young(he was indeed equal to the wielding of any the most intricate accounts of the most flourishing company in these or those days):but to a genuine accountant the difference of proceeds is as nothing.

Writing to Wordsworth in March, 1822, he said: "We are pretty well save colds and rheumatics, and a certain deadness to every thing, which I think I may date from poor John's Loss.... Deaths over-set one, and put one out long after the recent grief."

John Yeardley says: In the whole district of Alsace there is a great deal of spiritual religion among the different professors; but in some of the ministers there is great deadness, or else infidelity.

Let us then commence by enquiring what we really mean by the livingness which we attribute to spirit and the deadness which we attribute to matter.

At first we may be disposed to say that livingness consists in the power of motion and deadness in its absence; but a little enquiry into the most recent researches of science will soon show us that this distinction does not go deep enough.

The solution of the problem will never be found by comparing Life with what we call deadness, and the reason for this will become apparent later on; but the true key is to be found by comparing one degree of livingness with another.

And about each was there a deadness and desolation, where the fire had killed the big trees; yet, as I did observe, the quick life of little plants did grow more nigh, as that they were born and lived between the times of the fire-bursts.

We are pretty well save colds and rheumatics, and a certain deadness to every thing, which I think I may date from poor John's Loss, and another accident or two at the same time, that has made me almost bury myself at Dalston, where yet I see more faces than I could wish.

" This last line has been greatly admired for the corresponding deadness of its expression.

In recollection that club was like an abode of black magic to him; it seemed so hideously alive in its deadness, and its doings were so absurd and mysterious.

But the roots of the evil, the ultimate cause of that typical young man's deadness, lie not at all in that direction.

The Church, too, was in a condition of spiritual deadness.

But when it is frozen through and through with pride, it coldly resists the overtures of mercy, and in its deadness is apathetic even, to the storm of wrath.

I was interested in this deadness of my emotional natureno doubt a concomitant of my stagnating physiology; and my thoughts wandered off along the line it suggested.

The Lord's poor tell me they do not like to come to such a fine house to see me; and if they come, instead of being able to read a lesson of frugality, and deadness to the world, they must go away lamenting over the inconsistency of a sister professor.

It was a season of great deadness, and yet I am glad to sit even thus, for where there is communion there will be some union.

Here the deadness of the region seemed further enlivened by several small birds, speckled and gray, two ravens, and a hawk.

He that is the Life must recover the very beginnings of life; and when the soul winneth to any real apprehension and sense of this deadness, it must follow the course formerly prescribed for a recovery.

further, it may be asked, what can the soul do, when, after all this, it findeth no help or supply, but deadness remaining, yea, and it may be, growing? Ans.

4. When people drown themselves in cares of the world, they occasion this deadness to themselves; for then duties not only are not gone about heartily, but they are looked on as a burden, and

There is a fourth case of deadness to be spoken to, and that is, CHAPTER XXIV.

The sixth case, that we shall speak a little to, is a deadness, occasioned by the Lord's hiding of himself, who is their life, and "the fountain of life," Ps. xxxvi.

I was beginning to realise the absolute deadness of this woman.

64 examples of  deadness  in sentences