441 examples of deafening in sentences

As we penetrated, the bellowing and barking became more deafening.

All round us thousands of guns were going off, filling the air with a deafening and continuous roar.

His deafening roar told that the bullet had found a mark, but it did not check his charge.

Then everything was a blinding, deafening crash of ice and snow, wood, canvas and white bear.

He look'd upon his people, and a tear was in his eye: He look'd upon the traitors, and his glance was stern and high, Right graciously he smiled on us, as roll'd from wing to wing, Down all our line a deafening shout, "God save our Lord the King!"

He was just conscious of Courtenay shouting something about "Get back," of his being thrust violently back into the wide trench, of two or three figures crowding in after him, cursing and staggering and shooting back into the Frying Pan, of Courtenay's voice shouting again to "Stand clear," of a knot of men scrambling and heaving at something, and then of a deafening "Rat-tat-tat-tat," and the streaming flashes of a machine-gun.

Sims Reeves, indisposedand if it did not make a sensation, and was not received with deafening plaudits, I fancy it went smoothly and satisfactorily, and I retired from the fieldI mean from the conductor's desknot exactly with glory, but I think I may say without a stain upon my character as a local musical composer.

As the horses swept on round the turn and down the back stretch the people seemed to be drawn from their seats, and by the time the racers made the turn leading into the home-stretch almost every one was standing and the roar of yelling voices was deafening.

Quickly the murmur became an awful muttering, then a deafening roar.

When he came forward there was the most deafening applause.

This was a battle in earnest, the artillery was deafening, and the enemy repeatedly charged the Union lines.

At length we reached Guildhallas I crossed the beautiful building, lighted splendidly, and filled with well dressed company, and heard the deafening shouts which rent the fane as I entered it, I really was overcomeI retired to a private roomrefreshed my dress, rubbed up my chain, which the damp had tarnished, and prepared to receive my guests.

But in the brief intervals of the deafening cannonade can be heard one soundblinds and curtains fluttering against empty window-frames and perhaps the idle, faint banging of a loose shutter.

But you are assuredly disappointed at not being able to comprehend even the presentwhat is going on around you, under your eyes, deafening your ears.

But the music and the acclamations were drowned by a deafening crash, as if the island had suddenly burst into a thousand pieces, dragging the city to the depths of the Abyss.

The silence which had so suddenly descended upon the great company was as suddenly broken at sight of the tiers, and a deafening shout saluted them.

The bustle on the docks,(the creaking of the cranes, the dull rumble of the carts, the deafening cries of the freighters),always had for him a certain music reminiscent of his youth when he was traveling as a doctor on a transatlantic steamer.

As he drew nearer the roar of the breakers became almost deafening.

All this had been done behind his back and without his knowledge, so deafening and absorbing was the tempest.

But the wave lost its hold, swept under the keel, staggered wildly up the slope, broke in a huge white deafening roll, and rushed backward in torrents.

The mood may easily last well into the morning, when the guests, still silent, will depart, assuring everybody that they have enjoyed themselves immensely, and really believing that they have; or it may happen that some remark will suddenly be made, and instantly back through the windows the souls will come, eagerly catching up their bodies again, and a babel will arise, deafening, baffling, stupefying.

From all these men there rose a deafening gabble.

The noise was deafening, but always above the merry-go-rounds and the cheap-jacks and the shrill screams of the Japanese and the cries of the pedlars I heard the chant of the "Marseillaise" carried on high through the brown leafless park.

I saw Markovitch turn the revolver on himself, and then heard a report, sharp and deafening, as though we had been in a small room.

Sometimes men, at the head of a battalion, would continue to follow the windings of a deafening torrent, instead of turning abruptly to the right or left, up some rocky acclivity, over which lay their proper course; whilst others who chanced to be right, would pursue the proper track.

441 examples of  deafening  in sentences