50 examples of deale in sentences

[Footnote 20: Compare Quarto reading, page 112: The spirit that I haue scene May be a deale, and the deale hath power &c. If deale here stand for devil, then eale may in the same edition be taken to stand for evil.

[Footnote 20: Compare Quarto reading, page 112: The spirit that I haue scene May be a deale, and the deale hath power &c. If deale here stand for devil, then eale may in the same edition be taken to stand for evil.

[Footnote 20: Compare Quarto reading, page 112: The spirit that I haue scene May be a deale, and the deale hath power &c. If deale here stand for devil, then eale may in the same edition be taken to stand for evil.

I am betraide: away and raise the Boores up, Bid 'em deale manfully.

none: to deale With all the trobles of the war?

Excuse me, Sir, I dare not deale in 'em.

Some frends of myne lost a great deale of land the last terme, and for ought I know tis never like to be recover'd.

What a deale of submission these foolish men Trouble us women with, that are more forward To be friends agen then they are!

A great deale better than I did; and yet I have lov'd her this halfe yeare in a kind of way.

His words his bond, and does not break that bond To bankrupt others; he makes you not a library Of large monopolie to cosen all men: Subintelligitur, he hates to deale With such portentious othes as furr his mouth In the deliverance.

Touching your dealings in their affaires of marchandise, you are not to deale otherwise then in secret and counsell.

Weele take him up; sure, we shall get a monstrous deale of mony with him.

Ile deale with you by way of Interrogation: Who is it must marry with Lucilia bright? All day a Painter, and an Earle at night.

Garrs blurr, my cap, my cap, cost me de deale a French crowne.

Ile teach you to deale with Peter de Lions, and that without prolixitie.

A Warrant shall be sign'd, and unto thee I doe commend it; deale not partially; If he be sorry and in true remorse, Cancell the Writ, else let it have full force.

Nay quicke, Graccus, least our houre forestall us, ile in and deale for your disguise; tarry thou & give mine host a share of our intent; marry, charge him to keep it as secret as his Garbage.

"Your Honor's ships going into that island gave him chase, but he was too nimble for them by much, having taken down a great deale of his upper works and made her exceeding snugg, which advantage being added to her well sailing before, causes her to sail so hard now, that she fears not who follows her.

While we were in prison, both at Ormuz and here, there was a great deale of our goods pilfered and lost, and we haue beene at great charges in gifts and otherwise, so that a great deale of our goods is consumed.

While we were in prison, both at Ormuz and here, there was a great deale of our goods pilfered and lost, and we haue beene at great charges in gifts and otherwise, so that a great deale of our goods is consumed.

In that towne there is great traffique, for that from thence euery yeere twise, there trauell two Caffyls, that is, companies of people and camels, which trauell vnto India, Persia, Arabia, and all the countreys bordering on the same, and deale in all sorts of marchandise, both to and from those countreys, as I in another place haue already declared.

The 9. of Februarie we sailed on the other side to buy cattle, and other necessaries, but they seemed vnwilling to deale with vs, but we threatning to burne their houses, they brought vs Cattle and fruites inough, with all things else to our desires.

The 28. of Ianuarie one of their boates borded vs with sixe or seuen men, saying that their King was desirious to deale with vs for such wares as hee had, and sent to know from whence we came, and we said wee came out of Holland.

We had to deale with a notable Merchant of Bantam, named Sasemolonke, whose father was a Castilian, which sold vs not much lesse then an hundreth last of pepper.

You were your fathers eldest son, I take it, And had his Land, would you had had his wit too, Or his discretion to consider nobly, What 'tis to deale unworthily in these things; You'l say hee's none of yours, he's his son;

50 examples of  deale  in sentences