33327 examples of dears in sentences

I wish you all our luck, my dears!" All simpered or laughed, and Martina's brow smoothed.

The doctor told me that I should never do for a nurse again, and so I thought that I might perhaps help the poor little dears in another manner.

Johnson's love of little children, which he discovered upon all occasions, calling them 'pretty dears,' and giving them sweetmeats, was an undoubted proof of the real humanity and gentleness of his disposition.

"It's true, my dears; and the worst of it is, I knew the truth all the time.

"Oh my dears!" said little Miss Priscilla, "I've hoped for this,prayed for it,because I believe he isworthy of you, Anthea, and because you have both loved each other, from the very beginning;

And so, my dears,your happiness is my happiness andOh, goodness me!

"Oh, the dears!" gushed Grace.

"The little dears!" murmured Amy.

I cultivate the little dears I am after, and hate any one to interfere with me; I humour them and water them and feed them with opportunities till they are ripe, and then I stick out my hand and grab them.

Come back again, dears.

[Illustration] Come foot it, my dears, And when you've done, I'll eat you for supper, Aye, every one.

" "Oh, I'll take care of the little dears," said Miss Mayton.

"Look at that, now," said the wardrobe woman, catching sight of the child's closed eyelids; "just look at the rest of the little dears, all that excited they can't stand still to get their hats on, and she just as unconcerned as you please, and after making the hit of the piece, too.

"Don't go without a taste, dears.

"Never mind them, dears," said the Queen kindly.

"Yes," said the Queen, "I have come to welcome you back, dears, and to say good-by, for I suppose you would like to go home to your Aunt Jane now, wouldn't you?" "Oh, yes, indeed, please your Majesty," cried Rudolf and Ann in one

"Why, good morning, dears," she said.

"If you've nothing else to do, my dears, suppose we go over to the pines together?

Now, my dears, I must end this letter.

Good-bye, dears.

You'd better run along, dears," he said.

When she came back, "I'm so sorry, dears, to cut short even by a single day this charming time together," she told the girls.

Neither you nor I, my dears, ever heard a fairy-laugh.

Great Byron, when he published his Childe book, In which he sang of all his lovely dears, Called forth hot condemnation and cold look, From lesser mortals who were not his peers.

"There are childrenfive of them; the prettiest little dears one ever saw.

33327 examples of  dears  in sentences