93 examples of deas in sentences

Illic Leniades humili regnabat in aula, Leniades magnis nobilitatus avis: Una duas habuit casa cum genitore puellas, Quas Amor undarum fingeret esse deas: Non tamen inculti gelidis latuere sub antris, Accola Danubii qualia saevus habet; Mollia non decrant vacuae solatia vitae, Sive libros poscant otia, sive lyram.

Una duas cepit casa cum genitore puellas, Quas Amor undarum crederet esse deas.

" And in the morn betime, as those Lacedaemonian lasses saluted Helena and Menelaus, singing at their windows, and wishing good success, do we at yours: "Salve O sponsa, salve felix, det vobis Latona Felicem sobolem, Venus dea det aequalem amorem Inter vos mutuo; Saturnus durabiles divitias, Dormite in pectora mutuo amorem inspirantes, Et desiderium!"

[6096]she will not come near him by her own good will, but wholly rejects him, as Venus did her fuliginous Vulcan, at last, Nec Deus hunc mensa, Dea nec dignata cubili est.

Una duas cepit casa cum genitore puellas, Quas amor undarum crederet esse deas.

Her quickness in noting external differences had already taught her to modulate and lower her voice, and to replace "The I-dea!"

The man she had left looked after her, as she trod with her long, light step beside the young man, and murmured, "Et vera incessu patuit dea.

Another of the individuals chosen to constitute that court was Colonel Henry Deas, now president of the Board of Trustees of Charleston College, and a few years since a member of the Senate of South Carolina.

Another of the individuals chosen to constitute that court was Colonel Henry Deas, now president of the Board of Trustees of Charleston College, and a few years since a member of the Senate of South Carolina.

George Deas, Assistant Adjutant-General to Lieut.-Colonel Cooke, August 28, 1856.

Cooke to Deas, August 31, 1856.

Breck to Major Deas, June 18, 1860.

Mr. Edward A. Lawrence, Charleston, S.C. Miss Bessie C. Beehan, Fergus, Ont. " Mary J. Steiger, Westfield, Mass. " Mary I. Deas, Charleston, S.C. Mrs. M.A. Holmes, Lee, Mass. ORANGEBURG.

And he further remarks, that this word Deiseal was derived "from Deas, the right (understanding hand) and soil, one of the ancient names of the sun, the right hand in this round being ever next the heap.

" Here is a foreshadowing of the representative assemblies of our modern times, and the same wise spirit is shown in another event of the same year, thus recorded: "A hosting and a mustering of the men of Ireland, with their chieftains, by Ruaidri Ua Concobar; thither came the lord of Deas-muma, the lord of Tuaid-muma, the king of Meath, the lord of Oirgialla and all the chieftains of Leinster.

Then the men of Ireland returned back southwards over Slieve Fuaid, through Tir-Eogain and Tir-Connaill, and over Assaroethe Cataract of the Erneand Ruaidri Ua Concobar escorted the lord of Deas-muma with his forces southwards through Tuaid-muma as far as Cnoc-Ainéin Limerickand the lord of Deas-muma departed with gifts of many jewels and riches.

Then the men of Ireland returned back southwards over Slieve Fuaid, through Tir-Eogain and Tir-Connaill, and over Assaroethe Cataract of the Erneand Ruaidri Ua Concobar escorted the lord of Deas-muma with his forces southwards through Tuaid-muma as far as Cnoc-Ainéin Limerickand the lord of Deas-muma departed with gifts of many jewels and riches.

" A ray of light is thus shed on the intellectual and moral life of the time: "1398: Garrett Earl of Desmondor Deas-mumaa cheerful and courteous man, who excelled all the Normans and many of the Irish in the knowledge of the Irish language, poetry, history and other learning, died after the victory of peace."

The word is from deas, right-hand, and iul, direction, and of itself contains no allusion to the sun."

SIR: On the 12th of December last a list of promotions and appointments of officers of the Army was submitted to the Senate for confirmation, in which list Brevet Second Lieutenant L.B. Wood, of the Eighth Infantry, was nominated to the grade of second lieutenant in the Fifth Regiment of Infantry, vice Second Lieutenant Deas, promoted.

Brevet Second Lieutenant Charles S. Hamilton, of the Second Regiment of Infantry, to be second lieutenant, November 17, 1846, vice Deas, promoted.

SIR: In a list of confirmations of regular promotions just received from the Senate, dated the 27th instant, it is observed, under the heading "Fourth Regiment of Artillery," that First Lieutenant Joseph Roberts is confirmed as a captain, vice Deas, dismissed, and Second Lieutenant John A. Brown as first lieutenant, vice Roberts, promoted.

The President, having decided to reinstate Captain Deas, nominated him for restoration to the Senate the 12th instant, withdrawing, as the records show, at the same time the names of Lieutenants Roberts and Brown.

This nomination of Captain Deas was confirmed the 15th of June, and he has been commissioned accordingly.

Da is, according to Diez, a shortened form of diva, an exclamation composed of the two imperatives dis and va: diva > dea

93 examples of  deas  in sentences