153 examples of debility in sentences

This manner of living is quite common amongst beginners, and soon leads to debility and sometimes to scurvy.

The diseases met with in this country are dyspepsia, anaemia, scurvy caused by improperly cooked food, sameness of diet, overwork, want of fresh vegetables, overheated and badly ventilated houses; rheumatism, pneumonia, bronchitis, enteritis, cystitis and other acute diseases, from exposure to wet and cold; debility and chronic diseases, due to excesses.

The records and reports of the sickness in the army do not include all the depreciations and curtailments of life and strength among the soldiers, nor all the losses of effective force which the Government suffers through them, on account of disease and debility.

abroad, were on account of wounds and fractures, and the others on account of disease, debility, and exhaustion.

But the House of Aviz, like the legitimate line of Affonso Henriques, dwindled into debility.

That the diseases, commonly called nervous, tremours, fits, habitual depression, and all the maladies which proceed from laxity and debility, are more frequent than in any former time, is, I believe, true, however deplorable.

These liquors not only infatuate the mind, but poison the body; nor do they produce only momentary fury, but incurable debility and lingering diseases; they not only fill our streets with madmen, and our prisons with criminals, but our hospitals with cripples.

While I am writing this, I have not any sensation of debility or disease.

Now Peter was troubled with two kinds of debility about his organs of vision; one was age and natural weakness, while the other proceeded more directly from the heart.

It only adds to its debility.

Here, then, is one source of debility, which affects the whole frame, reducing every part below the standard of healthful vigour.

This last change most frequently commences in the sitting posture, such females being, through general debility, much disposed to sedentary habits.

In the child of a delicate and feeble habit, much out of health, whose general debility is dependent on some organic disease, sea bathing is not only improper, but dangerous.

And, lastly, (though many other causes might be referred to) the injudicious means occasionally employed to effect the removal of these animals, by the debility produced in the intestinal canal, favours not only their re-appearance but their increase.

Wine is seldom necessary, except under circumstances of unusual debility after a protracted illness, when its moderate use tends much to assist the convalescence; but, if given unadvisedly, there will be great hazard of exciting internal inflammatory disease.

The reaction, as shown by the heat which follows the cold bath, is, in some cases, so great as to produce a degree of fever, and consequent debility.

This man's son led him to his father's dwelling, as his debility was so great he was unable to walk without assistance.

A thrill ran through him as he recalled the great dream which he had once cherishedto combat debility, the sole cause of disease; to cure suffering humanity; to make a higher, and healthy humanity; to hasten the coming of happiness, the future kingdom of perfection and felicity, by intervening and giving health to all!

The juice of an orange to a tumbler of water makes an excellent tonic drink where there is feverishness and debility of the digestive organs, and a teaspoonful or more of lemon juice may be used in the same way.

For a bland soothing drink, invaluable in practically every form of internal irritation and debility, Barley Water reigns supreme, and in its preparation Robinson's Patent Barley will be found invaluable.

" I have known personally of cases of extreme gastric debility where the patients were put on this food almost exclusively for months together.

Where general debility is present along with the disease, use all means to increase the patient's vitality.

And he contends, that "whatever debility of the constitution exists, it is to be cured by the usual medicinal means which are employed to restore weakened organs.

In consequence of her extreme debility, the difficulty of her breathing and expectoration occasioned her much suffering, which she bore with exemplary patience; and when it was referred to, replied, "It is all right."

Cases of anaemia and debility.

153 examples of  debility  in sentences