131 examples of decided against in sentences

Even before you found out about my poor old friend, I had decided against a willthough, perhaps, I might have squared the Radbolts by just taking this little placeand its contentsand letting them take the rest.

Orthodox Buddhism decided against the tree souls, and consequently against the scruple to harm them, declaring trees to have no mind nor sentient principle, though admitting that certain dewas or spirits do reside in the body of trees, and speak from within them."

Although he seemed for a while about to triumph, the lords commissioners of plantations finally decided against his claims, thus dispelling the rosy dreams of Claybourne.

Then Lady Maud thought of telegraphing to Mr. Van Torp to come to town to see her about an urgent matter; but she decided against that course too.

In fact, having been organized by the slaveholders to sustain slavery, it decided against the North, and therefore lost repute with the party destined to be victorious.

Her conscience had instantly and finally decided against her.

Indeed, it was believed that both Mr. Pitt, at the time of the Union, and Lord Grey, in 1832, had considered the question, and had both decided against the propriety of advising a creation of life peerages.

One Congress, in 1791, decided in favor of a bank; another, in 1811, decided against it.

Public sentiment was very strong and decided against him at the capital, and Octavius began to prepare for war.

Oliver decided against a joke about a woman's role in the office.

As he read about blackjack, he decided against it.

"I have just received a letter from M. Amyot, who was to have been my companion to Russia, and learn from him the unwelcome news that the Emperor has decided against the Telegraph....

[It was decided against him, however, but this proved only a temporary check.]

" One case was decided against him, but this decision was afterwards overruled by the Supreme Court, so that it caused no lasting injury to his claims.

On the , after a full hearing, the court decided against the claim, and delivered an opinion in support of this decision which can not, I think, be contested on legal principles.

Accordingly the attorney-general of the state brought an action against the president of the senate for not doing his duty; the court considered the situation, decided against the president of the senate, and ordered him to become acting governor.

It was decided against Percy Bysshe Shelley that an Atheist father could not be the guardian of his own children.

She made quite an occasion of her first reverse,some litigation decided against her,and said it came from the court's' having only one ear, and that preempted by the other party.

In 1845 a case involving the validity of his title to the "Commons" property, was decided against him in the Supreme Court of the United States; thus wresting from him at a blow that property and the costly buildings which he had erected upon it.

The first civil war was fought between Kolokotrónis on the one side and the Primates of Hydhra and Peloponnesos on the other; but the issue was decided against Kolokotrónis by the adhesion to the coalition of Kolettis the Vlach, once physician to Mukhtar Pasha, the son of Ali, and now political agent for all the northern Armatoli in the national service.

The country came into the possession of the Britishnot of the colonial English or Americansat the close of Pontiac's war, the aftermath of the struggle which decided against the French the ownership of America.

With such a general movement, so firm and decided against the Americans, the combat is sure to be a short one, and I charge and order that the persons and goods of all foreigners shall be respected and that the American prisoners shall be treated well.

" "No; till the law had decided against them, they were entitled to their bonds.

"If," said he, "you answer me in the affirmative, I must despair; but if you have not absolutely decided against me, I will still hope that my persevering assiduity, my faithful love, may at last be rewarded."

The treaty also stipulates that the United States shall "assume and pay" to our own citizens "the claims already liquidated and decided against the Mexican Republic," and "all claims not heretofore decided against the Mexican Government," "to an amount not exceeding three and a quarter millions of dollars."

131 examples of  decided against  in sentences