13684 examples of deciding in sentences

The ancients also made use of dice, drawing tickets, etc., in casting or deciding results.

She quieted her conscience by giving Andy ten dollars at Tipton, and deciding to take charge of the royalty money "till he was of age.

" Yet, in spite of the plural pronoun, it was quite evident that he was the one who proposed to do the deciding.

Lord NORTHCLIFFE always smokes one cigar right through before deciding what England really wants, and two when he has to decide which Cabinet Minister must go.

" "Whether perfect happiness would be procured by perfect goodness," said Nekayah, "this world will never afford an opportunity of deciding.

Again it was Peabody who had the deciding say.

In 1205, Philip Augustus restricted the length of the club, with which single combat was then pursued, to three feet; and in 1260, Saint Louis abolished the practice of deciding civil matters by duelling.

(She was, at that very moment, knitting her dainty brows over the fifteenth bunch of pink fragrance and deciding regretfully that this thing must come to an end even if she had to call in Terry the Cop.)

So far as I am able to comprehend the case, the general facts are now all known, and Congress is as capable of deciding on it justly and properly now as it probably would be after the report of the commissioners.

Looking up at Nick to see what his silence meant, and whether he were nonplussed or merely deciding on a plan of action, Angela could hardly make out his features.

While men of science and a few far-sighted laymen saw that the time was ripe for this much-needed advance in the means of conveying intelligence, governments and capitalists had held shyly aloof, and, even now, weighed carefully the advantages of different systems before deciding which, if any, was the best.

So the Tug of War, which had been intended only for an exhibition, became in a sense the deciding event of the whole contest.

In other words, most people who download the book do so for the predictable reason, and in a predictable format say, to sample a chapter in the HTML format before deciding whether to buy the book but the thing that differentiates a boring e-text experience from an exciting one is the minority use printing out a couple chapters of the book to bring to the beach rather than risk getting the hardcopy wet and salty.

Besides,though he would not assume the responsibility of deciding that point before he had consulted with the Standing Committee,he did not think his sentiments exactly orthodox.

In politics party-organization saves us the pains of much thinking before deciding how to cast our vote.

The difficulty of deciding often arises from repetitions, and the excellence of pupils painting from the designs of their masters, and not unfrequently assisted by them.

The struggle was severe while it lasted, but it ended in Cairns deciding to go on to the ministry in the ordinary way.

I kept saying to myself that I was only putting off deciding till I could think more about it, but I know now that I had decided to give him up, never to see him againFelix was there, you knowI'd decided to give Austin up because he wasn't rich any more.

A statement of its results will, therefore, afford no small data for deciding upon the general principle of gradualism!

In other words, the Savior here teaches us, that in the principles and laws of reason, we have an infallible guide in all the relations and circumstances of life; that nothing can hinder our following this guide, but the bias of selfishness; and that the moment, in deciding any moral question, we place ourselves in the room of our brother, before the bar of reason, we shall see what decision ought to be pronounced.

A plan for deciding this difference was laid before the late Congress, and whether that or some other plan of a like kind would not now be eligible is submitted to your consideration.

Piles of stones and debris prevent us at present from deciding as to the length of the channel or where it comes from.

Deciding what you want and getting it.

Deciding what you want and getting it.

The passage already quoted from the English Constitutions continues to say, that "the Grand Lodge has the inherent power of investigating, regulating and deciding all matters relative to the craft, or to particular lodges, or to individual Brothers, which it may exercise, either of itself, or by such delegated authority as in its wisdom and discretion it may appoint."

13684 examples of  deciding  in sentences