272 examples of declaim in sentences

" Old Robin's almanack was evidently the best of the time, and free from all the astrological cant with which Patridge's Merlinus Liberatus was filled; against which Poor Robin did not a little declaim.

St. Ambrose, the author of the 215th sermon de tempore, bound up with those of St. Austin, and St. Eloy, Bishop of Noyon, declaim particularly against this abuse.

It is said that at a very tender age she taught him to declaim passages from Latin authors, standing on a table, and rewarded him with hot pound-cake.

"As well might a humanitarian socialist declaim against English prejudices to the proud and exclusive fellows of Oxford and Cambridge.

So long as the contest shall last between good and evil in this world, we have a right to declaim against all encroachments on liberty and sound morality and an evangelical piety from any quarter whatever, and we are recreant to our duties unless we speak our minds.

But the people against whom you so justly declaim; are not Christians.

A fine secret that, to declaim against a virtue which destroys sentiment in a sage, and establishes one that admits of no operation.

It means that Lucan, in choosing history, chose something which he had to declaim about, something which, at best, he could imaginatively realize; but not something which he could imaginatively re-create.

How can this evangelical preacher declaim on the necessity of seriously searching into the truth of revelation, for the purpose either of producing or confirming our belief of it, when he has already pronounced it to be just as possible to arrive at conviction as to create a world? Did Dr. Hawker say that it was impossible to produce an assent to the historic credibility of the facts related in the Gospel?

Still, he felt no overmastering impulse, except to read the verses he had heard the actress declaim.

He would declaim the lines in a slow, pompous voice, and his aunt would remark after each speech, as she shredded the vegetables for dinner: "So you're for being a curé, are you, that you preach like they do in church?"

I heard you here declaim; A Grecian tragedy you doubtless read?

[The, WITCH, with great emphasis, begins to declaim from the book.]

"What is it the boys used to declaim, their Yankee hearts throbbing under their roundabouts?

In this alone methinks the ancients err'd, Against the grossest follies they declaim; Hard they pursue, but hunt ignoble game.

600 When two or three were gather'd to declaim Against the monarch of Jerusalem, Shimei was always in the midst of them; And if they cursed the king when he was by, Would rather curse than break good company.

If aught for which so loudly they declaim, Religion, laws, and freedom, were their aim, Our senates in due methods they had led, To avoid those mischiefs which they seem'd to dread: But first, e'er yet they propp'd the sinking state, To impeach and charge, as urged by private hate, Proves that they ne'er believed the fears they press'd, But barbarously destroy'd the nation's rest!

Pausing, she would declaim verse of others or her own; act many parts, with strange catch-words and burdens that seemed to act with mystical power on her own fancy, sometimes stimulating her to convulse the hearer with laughter, sometimes to melt him to tears.

And he often would declaim, or narrate at length, as indeed it is obvious, that these tribes possess great power that way, if only from the fables taken from their stores, by Mr. Schoolcraft.

"The world discourages strength and encourages weakness," he used to declaim.

It is easy to declaim about it, and to be eloquent about lies and sophistries; but it is shallow to forget that truth has its difficulties.

There are some who declaim against the use of any and all kinds of meat for food, and advocate a purely vegetable diet.

In a word, Ithuel, as relates to such things, is what is commonly called law-honest, with certain broad salvoes, In favor of smuggling of all sorts, in foreign countries (at home he never dreamed of such a thing), custom-house oaths, and legal trickery; and this is just the class of men apt to declaim the loudest against the roguery of the rest of mankind.

On seeing him, and learning who he was, the 'prentices began to shout and declaim vehemently against the Spanish ambassador; and instigated by Dick Taverner, who refused to listen either to the entreaties or commands of the young knight, the whole party seized their cudgels, and dispersing themselves in different directions, vociferated as they went"Clubs!

We use this phrase with a certain limitation, because if a woman were to take a line of her own unrestricted by certain "convenances" of society and of fashion, she would certainly fall into the very error which we should be the first to declaim against, namelythe error of eccentricity.

272 examples of  declaim  in sentences