198 examples of decomposes in sentences

These shells of Mollusca decompose more easily and disappear sooner than the smaller, and apparently more delicate, shells of rhizopods.

The general nature of these phenomena may be thus stated:A body, A, without giving to, or taking from, another body B, any material particles, causes B to decompose into other substances, C, D, E, the sum of the weights of which is equal to the weight of B, which decomposes.

The general nature of these phenomena may be thus stated:A body, A, without giving to, or taking from, another body B, any material particles, causes B to decompose into other substances, C, D, E, the sum of the weights of which is equal to the weight of B, which decomposes.

The latter contains cellulose, as in ordinary plants; and the chlorophyll which gives the green colour enables the Chlamydomonas to decompose carbonic acid and fix carbon as they do.

Cut flowers also decompose water, and produce oxygen gas.

The ferment, whether it be the commonly used brewer's yeast, or any other species of alcoholic ferment, has the power to decompose or break down a large part of the sugar present in the liquid into alcohol, which remains as a poison, and carbon dioxid, which escapes more or less completely.

The general character of the materials of which inflated boats are constructed precludes any effectual repairs, as the intense heat of the sun decomposes the varnish with which the canvas is covered; it first becomes soft and adhesive, and then changes to a substance like tar, which does not consolidate with a lower temperature.

The granite contains little mica, and the quartz frequently is arranged in rhomboidal crystals nearly parallel to each other; it readily decomposes, and from the predominance of quartz forms a coarse gritty soil.

The oxygen absorbed decomposes starch, or some other food product of the plant, and carbonic acid gas and water are formed.

The last letter, M, they did not decompose like the rest, but kept it entire for a while, and glowed so deeply within it, that the silvery orb thereabout seemed burning with gold.

It was impossible to bury all the dead, and the bodies were left to decompose where they died.

it decomposes into bromoform, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and pyridine.

When boiled with baryta water, sinapine decomposes into sinapic acid, C{11}H{12}O{5}, and choline, C{5}H{15}NO{2}, the latter a well-known constituent of the bile, and produced also in the decomposition of the lecithin of the brain and yolk of egg.

The water for cooling enters the coolers, F, J, and Z, through the cocks, n, and flows out through the tubes, v. The acetate, previously crushed, is placed in the boiler, A, and the quantity of acid necessary to decompose it is added.

When this cooling has continued so long that the temperature in the generator, A, is no longer high enough to allow the fuel to decompose the steam with ease, the valve, J', of the pipe, P', that leads the steam is closed, as is also the valve, K, of the pipe, Q, while the valves, L and H, of the pipes, R and N, are opened.

When the chamber, B, and the generator, A, are again in so cool a state that the fuel no longer decomposes the steam easily, the valves are so maneuvered as to stop the entrance of the latter, and to send a current of air into the apparatus in the same direction that the steam had just been taking.

In the process of frying, the action of the heat partially decomposes the fat; in consequence, various poisonous substances are formed, highly detrimental to the digestion of the partaker of the food.

It frequently has a very disagreeable, fetid odor, and has evidently begun to decompose during the process of manufacture.

But suppose that gelatine which has thus begun to decompose during the drying process, containing, perhaps, putrefactive germs in the dried state, be dissolved in water, and in hot weather, kept in this condition for a few hours previous to being used; the result would be rapid putrefaction.

Lord! there wasn't flesh and blood enough in them all to decompose, and they gave out no odor even while burning.

If the solution is too strong it will decompose the wood.

Even this, however, would give us far too high a standard; for the rise of the Coral Reef is not in proportion to the height of the living Corals, but to their solid parts which never decompose.

Spirit of wine, and ether, extract some part of their poison; and tanning matter decomposes the greatest part of it.

The fact has long been known that a prism properly contrived will decompose a ray of white light into the seven primary colours, but the broad and narrow bands running across the variegated scheme of the spectrum had either escaped notice or been neglected as phenomena not significant.

Cut-flowers also decompose water and produce oxygen gas.

198 examples of  decomposes  in sentences