85501 examples of ded in sentences

Ah, suah reckon dars a bunch o' ded ones under dem hatches right dis minuteyou white men smell dat odor?" "I certainly smell something unpleasant enough.

And whan ony man schalle dye, men setter a spere besyde him: and whan he drawethe towardes the dethe, every man fleethe out of the hous, tille he be ded; and aftre that, thei buryen him in the feldes.

The very style of the Ded. shows it.

Do you mean to down the Bucks crowd ded-definitely?" demanded the editor, who stammered a little under excitable provocation.

" "The ded-devil you have!" sputtered Hildreth, chewing savagely on the gift cigar.

I more than half believe you've got hold of something ded-definite at last!" "I have, indeed.

For a ded man can fight no more; but who hath saved hymself alive, by rennyng awaie, may, in many battailles mo, doe good service to his countree.

"Calvin's Institutes, Ded., p. 55.

1. Correct the division of the following words, according to their derivation: "ben-der, bles-sing, bras-sy, chaf-fy, chan-ter, clas-per, craf-ty, cur-dy, fen-der, fil-my, fus-ty, glas-sy, graf-ter, gras-sy, gus-ty, ban-ded, mas-sy, mus-ky, rus-ty, swel-ling, tel-ler, tes-ted, thrif-ty, ves-ture.

"Sewel's Hist., Ded., p. iv.

But for to speken of hire conscience, She was so charitable and so pitoús, She woldë wepe if that she saw a mous Caughte in a trappe, if it were ded or bledde.

wen I sees one gits as far away as I kin foh if one bites you you is a ded nigger foh dey is pizen as er diamond back.

If he was a livin' now he would be 110 years old, he bin ded 'round fifteen year.

Dream of de ded hit always rains.

No cat mus come in wen dar is a ded body for de cat will sho eat de body.

I'd thot I'd be ded and gone.

Sharp house were dat er way and all de Sharps were ded but dis house were empty.

'This business looks de-ci-ded-ly prob-le-mat-i-cal.

Its church, ded. to St Bridget, preserves a Norm. door within the S. porch, and a Norm.

Crowcombe, a village 2 m. N. of Crowcombe Heathfield Station, and 1-1/2 m. E. of Stogumber, has a church ded.

Its church (ded. to the Holy Cross) has a massive-looking tower, with an open-work parapet, bearing the initials I.P.

Middlezoy (6 m. S.E. from Bridgwater, 4 from Athelney Station) has a church (ded.

The church (ded. to St Dubricius), which stands in a rather cramped position in the centre of the village, is externally much in keeping with the old-fashioned aspect of the surrounding cottages.

The parish church (ded.

Its church (ded. to St Martin) has the rather rare addition of a short spire above its W. tower.

85501 examples of  ded  in sentences