78 examples of deede in sentences

And in which mens deede 3. pointes are to be considered and marked, which can not be at any hand found in the Prophane and wicked daunses of our tyme.

Puttenham, speaking of poetry of this sort, says: "Such were the rimes of Skelton (usurping the name of Poet Laureat), being in deede but a rude, rayling rimer, and all his doings ridiculous; he used both short distances and short measures, pleasing onely to the popular eare; in our courtly maker we banish them utterly.

Unto us taught, and, to approve it trew, Ensampled it by his most righteous deede, Shewing us mercie, miserable crew!

The Harlots Cheeke beautied with plaist'ring Art Is not more vgly to the thing that helpes it, Then is my deede, to my most painted word.

Alas, how shall this bloody deede be answered?

[Sidenote: this deede for thine especiall] Which we do tender, as we deerely greeue For that which thou hast done, must send thee hence With fierie Quicknesse.

Right faithfull true he was in deede and word; But of his cheere[120] did seeme too solemne sad; Yet nothing did he dread, but ever was ydrad.

Nay when my fortune faylls me at a pynche I will thynke blasphemy a deede of merrytt.

They are called in the Italian tongue Pesce columbini, for in deede, the wings being spred it is like to a flying doue, they say it will flie farre and very high.

Nay when my fortune faylls me at a pynche I will thynke blasphemy a deede of merrytt.

There is no sphynxe That can absolve thys ryddell: well, tys decreed Ile breake my brayne but Ile performe the deede.

Tell me whose eloquence hathe doone the deede

Be slowe to wrath, obey thy Unckle still, Submit thy selfe unto Gods holy will, In deede and word see thou be ever true; So brother, childe, and kinsfolkes, all adue.

But yet my conscience, toucht with some remorse, Would faine have sav'd the young Pertillos life, But he remorselesse would not let him live, But unawares thrust in his harmelesse brest That life-bereaving fatall instrument: Which cruell deede I seeking to revenge, Have lost my life and paid the slave his due Rewarde for spilling blood of innocents.

In deede, good sir, he is in bed a sleepe, And I was loath to trouble him to-night.

Sayd in a jest, in deede!

Sayd in a jest, in deede!

in a deede Som woold hold meritorious, att the least Intended for an act of piety, To suffer in my zeale!

To a conscience Startled with blood and murder, what a terror Is in the deede, being doone, which bredd before Boathe a delight and longing!

This most unfortnate hand, beereft his lyff, For which vile deede I mercy begge of Heaven, Next of the woorld, whom I offended too, Pardon and pitty.

speake whilst you may, Or this rash deede will make a fatall day.

Thou art more rude then such if thou proceede In the execution of so vilde a deede.

She and her love we have sentenced to die, Not for her marriage onely, tho that deede Crownes the contempt with a deserved death, But chiefly for she raild against thy worth, Upbraided thee with tearmes so monstrous base That nought but death can cleare the great disgrace.

Then you deliver this as your act and deede? Flav.

And in very deede, in the Church of the Holy Crosse of Jerusalem, at Rome, is to be seene one of those thirtie pence, which is wholly like to that in the Church of the Temple, in the citty of Paris.

78 examples of  deede  in sentences