3112 examples of deers in sentences

"Twenty deers' tongues tied to the pack on his shoulders; Not a tongue in his mouth to call to his wife with.

Twenty deers' tongues in his belt.

Profits interested him little, for he grew his patch of corn and pumpkins, and hunted the deer for his own slender needs.

He carried an old gun, and slew with it a deer in a marshy hollowa pretty shot, for the animal was ill-placed.

" I heard the deer crashing through the hill-side thicket, and guessed that presently it would come out in the meadow.

These were, the great savannahs where herds of wild cattle and deer roamed, and where the Free Companions came to fill their larders.

"It is hard to approach the Master, and my brother must follow me close as the panther follows the deer.

At a great fire in the centre women were grilling deer's flesh, while little brown children strove and quarrelled for scraps, I saw few men, for the braves were out hunting or keeping watch at the approaches.

" The afternoon was now ending, and we were given a meal of corn-cakes and roast deer's flesh.

Often, when time did not press, he would lead me, clumsy as I was, so that I could almost touch the muzzle of a crouching deer, or lay a hand on a yellow panther, before it slipped like a live streak of light into the gloom.

Heroes were we all, last nightnay, very Titansfour 'gainst an army!whiles now, within this balmy-breathing morn you shall see Walkyn o' the Bloody Axe with grim Black Rogerkin, down at the brook yonder, a-sprawl upon their bellies busily a-tickling trout for breakfast, while I, whose good yew bow carrieth death in every twang, toasting deer-flesh on a twig, am mocked of wanton warblers

(Shakespeare: Othello) Mice and rats and such small deer.

"The servant showed me at first into a sort of anteroom, hung with deers' horns and carpeted with tigers' skins, then into the study, and asked me to take a seat on the sofa.

On the sharp mountain quietly lies your husband.' Ahmi, Ahmi, sleep, little one, wake not. 'Twenty deers' tongues tied to the pack on his shoulders; Not a tongue in his mouth to call to his wife with, Wolves, foxes, and ravens are fighting for morsels.

Twenty deers' tongues in his belt.

There are also many tame eagles, so trained as to take hares, roe-bucks, deers, and foxes; and some of these will even seize upon wolves, and vex them so grievously, that the men may take them without danger.

And to have had knowledge of a woman before the twentieth year they reckon among the most disgraceful acts; of which matter there is no concealment, because they bathe promiscuously in the rivers and [only] use skins or small cloaks of deers' hides, a large portion of the body being in consequence naked.

Foxes, hares and roe deer all use them, the roe deers' feet showing so much tinier than the chamois, who leaves a deep rough track as they usually run in each other's footsteps.

We observed a red deer during the morning; we passed many hunting encampments of the Indians, and the horns and bones of slaughtered deers, and other evidences of our being in a valuable game country.

Elks' and deers' horns, the foot, horns, and skin of the cariboo, which is the C. Sylvestris, are deposited in my cabinet, and are mementos of their gifts from the forest.

In two or three words which are otherwise alike in both numbers, the apostrophe ought to follow the s in the plural, to distinguish it from the singular: as, the sheep's fleece, the sheeps' fleeces; a neat's tongue, neats' tongues; a deer's horns, a load of deers' horns.

Ducks' tongues and deers' tendons, from Tartary, succeeded, with stewed fruits and mucilaginous gravy.

There were then displayed a number of toys or ornaments of gold, remarkably well executed, resembling various animals, as deers, dogs, lions, tigers, apes, ducks, &c. twelve arrows, a bow with its cord, two rods like those used by officers of justice, five palms long, ten collars, and many other ornaments, all cast or moulded in fine gold.

That isn't a romantic idea to have about deers, but I can't get rid of the notion whenever I see those little creatures walking about on the hills.

I heard afterward that he came from Exmoor, which is about twelve miles from here, and produces ponies and deers of similar size and swiftness.

3112 examples of  deers  in sentences