111 examples of defaming in sentences

"Then alas for thee, poor youthful fool, 'twere better I had left thee to thy death, methinks, for shethis wilful Helen" "My lord," cried Sir Fidelis, "nought will I hear to her defame!" "Fidelis, art a gentle knightbut very young, art fond and foolish, so, loving this light lady, art doubly fool!" "Wherein," saith Fidelis, "wherein, my lord, thou art likewise fool, meseemeth.

Just heaven forbids their words should blot the honor of my name, For pure and faithful is my heart, howe'er my foes defame; And Zaida, lovely Zaida, at a word that did me wrong, Would close her ears in scornful ire and curse the slanderous tongue.

On the appearance of Lady Byron's letter, in answer to Moore's first volume, Augusta speaks of it as "a despicable tirade," feels "disgusted at such unfeeling conduct," and thinks "nothing can justify any one in defaming the dead."

Lastly, we may consider that it is a grievous perverting of the design of speech, that excellent faculty, which so much distinguisheth us from, so highly advanceth us above other creatures, to use it to the defaming and disquieting of our neighbour.

What do men commonly please themselves in so much, as in carping and harshly censuring, in defaming and abusing their neighbours?

For as he that dischargeth shot into a crowd, or so as not to look about regarding who may stand in the way, is no less guilty of doing mischief, and bound to make satisfaction to them he woundeth, than if he had aimed at some one person: so if we sling our bad words at random, which may light unluckily, and defame somebody, we become slanderers unawares, and before we think on it.

I am assured that she doth assent To my relief, that I should reap the same, If she could frame the means of my content, Keeping herself from danger of defame.

Use you the same, as there may grow Your bliss and mine, mine earl, and that the same Free may abide from danger of defame.

yea, death, and greater grief To see thee die for him, that did defame Thine honour thus, my kingdom, and thy name? GISMUNDA.

But you have said so much to defame my nieces in the eyes of our friends, here assembled, that you must explain yourself more fully.

Sir, don't you perceive that you are defaming the countess?

Some abuse their parents, yea corrupt their own sisters; others make long libels and pasquils, defaming men of good life, and extol such as are lewd and vicious.

Whoever you may be, I caution you against rashly defaming the author of this work, or cavilling in jest against him.

And some demented hurl aside their gowns, And queens their robes discard and jewelled crowns, And rush upon the streets bereft of shame, Their forms expose, and all the gods defame.

The vile woman, it seems, has been guilty of defaming the reputations of others.

my dear sir, what encouragement is there to an inventor if, after years of toil and anxiety, he has only purchased for himself the pleasure of being a target for every vile fellow to shoot at, and, in proportion as his invention is of public utility, so much the greater effort is to be made to defame, that the robbery may excite the less sympathy?

Axe-grinding, mouth-breathing yahoos, defaming my good name!

Silence, Sir! Choke him, Billy Sangaree, if he says a word!Fifth: Of defaming a Southern lady, while at the same time you were endeavoring to win her most attractive property and person from those who should naturally acquire them.

Dryden thus had connexions both on his father's and mother's side with that party, by deriding, defaming, and opposing which he afterwards gained much of his poetical glory.

The latter, indeed, considered it expedient to wait upon the commissioners appointed by the Parliament to investigate these reports, in order to urge the condemnation of their authors; these being, as he asserted, not only guilty of defaming innocent persons, but also of exciting a dangerous feeling among the people, at all times too anxious to seek the disgrace and ruin of their superiors.

What worse fate could he have than to be pointed at every day of a long life as the worthless drunken thing who murdered a man, and then tried to save himself by defaming his victim and his own sister?" Under cover of her barrier of command, the constable led Arden into the house, past where his sister lay in a swoon, and by the back way got him to jail.

Not with dungeons, halter, and fire; for those modes of punishment have gone by; but by ejecting their members from religious fellowship, and defaming their characters for doing that which they conscientiously believe is required at their hands; casting out their names as evil-doers for honestly endeavoring to support one of the most dignified testimonies ever given to the Society of Friends to hold up before a sinful world.

I am afraid my cheeks glowed, and my eyes sparkled; for I observed the looks of all my superintendants fixed anxiously upon me; and I was next day cautioned against him from all hands, as a man of the most dangerous and formidable kind, who had writ verses to one lady, and then forsaken her only because she could not read them, and had lampooned another for no other fault than defaming his sister.

You have been defaming a gentleman of the highest character, a Fellow of a college, a fine-hearted, noble, high-spirited man, simply becausebecausebecause" Then she burst into tears and rushed out of the room; but she did not break down before she had looked at her aunt, and spoken to her aunt with a fierce indignation which had altogether served to silence Lady Mountjoy for the moment.

Much lying and bearing of false witness, defaming one another's good name, reproaching persons for their adherence to the truths and cause of Christ, or for discovering any piece of zeal and affection that way.

111 examples of  defaming  in sentences