2210 examples of defectives in sentences

In defectives with definitely, organically damaged brains, no result of course was to be expected.

The administration of ante-pituitary extract to some defectives increases intellectual activity and self-control.

In view of what has been said of the ante-pituitary as the gland of intellectuality, studies of intellectually gifted people having shown well functioning large pituitaries, and of mental defectives in a certain number of cases a small limited pituitary, it is justifiable to regard the factor of inherent capacity as a function of the ante-pituitary.

He supplies the second and third offenders in the juvenile courts, the delinquents and pathological liars of childhood, the incorrigibles, the precocious hoboes, mental and moral deficients and defectives, the prey of the sentimental complexes of elderly virgins and helpful futility all around.

But still, we do not condemn imbeciles, idiots or defectives, or other substandard, subnormal creatures to the prisons.

There would be psychologists to carry out intelligence tests, determine emotional reactions, and group mental aberrations, deficiencies and defectives.

Recent studies have amply established that the proportion of certifiable mental defectives, and of a much larger class, the subnormal but not certifiable class, is progressing by leaps and bounds.

On the other hand, those internal secretion combinations, generally leading to a deficiency of all of them which produce types of mental defectives, delinquency and crime should not be allowed to occur.

For centuries, Jews occupied the position of minors, mental defectives, or men with criminal records.

A few years ago we talked about asylums for the deaf and dumbthe word "dumb" has now been stricken from every official document in every state in the Union, because we have discovered, with the assistance of Gardner G. Hubbard, that deaf people are not dumb, and not being defectives, they certainly do not need an asylum.

If the second copy is also defective, you may demand a refund in writing without further opportunities to fix the problem.

So is it if force is used in controlling defectives and criminals, or in adjusting the relations of the nations; but note that the failure may be one for which the individual parent, teacher, society, state or nation is in no degree responsible.

The method has also been applied with most gratifying results to the study of the characteristics of ideational behavior in human defectives,children, and adults,and in subjects afflicted with various forms of mental disease.

By far the largest part of the population of prisons is made up of the insane, feeble-minded, morons, defectives or victims of diseases that seriously influence conduct.

There is no lack of statistics as to the various groups of defectives, but these figures cannot be reconciled.

Various arbitrary rules have been laid down to aid in classifying different grades of defectives.

The defectives are supposed, if young, to be two years or more below the normal scholar in development; if older, three or more below.

I am inclined to think that most of those executed are either insane or serious defectives; and those who say that such people are of no value are probably right.

While defectives are more apt to commit crimes, in the main this is because their environment is too hard for their machine.

With the modern care of this sort of defectives, the chance of breeding is growing rapidly less.

Defectives, discussion of the, 183 ff.; in prisons, 184-185; proposed isolation or sterilization of, 233-249.

Feeble-minded, distinguishing between the normal and, 185-188. See Defectives.

Outside of the employment range, but dependent upon the economy are the defectives and delinquents, the parasites who live on cake and the parasites who live out of garbage cans.

V. A class of dependents, defectives and delinquents, supported by society but contributing little or nothing to its maintenance or its advancement.

Every social group has its quota of defectives and delinquentsbiological and social, physical, mental, emotional.

2210 examples of  defectives  in sentences