Do we say defence or defense

defence 5201 occurrences

The kings arranged with the three brothers that they should fight with swords each in defence of their respective country; assuring them that dominion would rest with those on whose side victory should declare itself.

The fossa Quiritium, no inconsiderable defence in places where the ground was lower and consequently easier of access, was also the work of King Ancus.

The arms they were ordered to wear consisted of a helmet, a round shield, greaves, and a coat of mail, all of brass; these were for the defence of the body: their weapons of offence were a spear and a sword.

There, on the swords being exhibited in the midst, such violent hatred arose against him, that, without being allowed a defence, he was put to death in an unusual manner; he was thrown into the basin of the spring of Ferentina, a hurdle was placed over him, and stones being heaped up in it, he was drowned.

Scott fell, wounded by a shot which Christie fired purely in self-defence.

Whether the plebs was formed of clients who had been released from their clientship, just as slaves might be manumitted; or of foreigners, as soldiers, traders, or artisans were admitted into the community; or partly of foreigners and partly of clients, the latter being equalised by the patres with the former in self-defence; and whether as a name it dated from or was antecedent to the so-called Tullian organization is uncertain.

[Sidenote: Defence of the conduct of Gracchus.]

The second was no longer what it had beenthe recognised refuge and defence of the poor.

The Defence of Weaker States (House of Lords, January 22, 1770) RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN (1751-1816)

] WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM JANUARY 22, 1770 THE DEFENCE OF WEAKER STATES My Lords, I cannot agree with the noble duke, that nothing less than an immediate attack upon the honour or interest of this nation can authorize us to interpose in defence of weaker states, and in stopping the enterprises of an ambitious neighbour.

A King without authority, nobles without union or subordination, a people without arts, industry, commerce, or liberty; no order within, no defence without; no effective public force, but a foreign force, which entered a naked country at will, and disposed of everything at pleasure.

'If Ministers', my noble friend observed, 'had refused to offer such suggestions, and if, being called to account for that refusal, they had rested their defence on the ground of delicacy to Spain, would they not have been taunted with something like these observations?

we must go to war with France, for we are bound to go to war in defence of Portugal.

The aqueduct, which was nine or ten feet wide and several feet deep, now formed the front of the French defence.

The Mormons determined to die in defence of their rights, set about fortifying their town "Far West," with a resolution and energy that kept the mob (who all the time were extending their cries of help to all parts of Missouri) at bay.

Wherever there is danger of attack, there ought to be given a constitutional power of defence.

There let it remain as a luminous and powerful defence of the cause of emancipation!

The Princeton professor himself, in the very paper which the South has so warmly welcomed and so loudly applauded as a scriptural defence of "the peculiar institution," maintains, that the "GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE GOSPEL have DESTROYED SLAVERY throughout the greater part of Christendom""THAT CHRISTIANITY HAS ABOLISHED BOTH POLITICAL AND DOMESTIC BONDAGE

And yet these things stand prominent in what is reckoned an acute, ingenious, effective defence of slavery!

"In 1815, near Frederick, in Maryland, a most barbarous planter was killed in a fit of desperation, by four of his slaves in self-defence.

To the other, who objects more plausibly to Dickens's habit of attaching to each of his characters some label which is either so much flaunted all through that you cannot see the character at all or else mysteriously and unaccountably disappears when the story begins to grip the author, Dickens has himself offered an amusing and convincing defence.

The vigorous defence of the Rochelais, however, and the extreme severity of the winter, did not fail to produce their effect upon the King, who became weary of a campaign which exacted more mental energy than physical courage, and who was anxious to return to the capital.

When you really only got into a lawsuit, at least as concerning property, as a result of a killing of somebody or other, albeit in defence of one's own chattels, it is obvious that there need not be much legislation; the laws were too well known, the unwritten law too well enforced.

What was wanted for public expense was for two or three well-recognized purposes, all purposes of defence.

Nominally, of course, they always said they wanted it for the defence of the realm.

defense 1947 occurrences

Chrysostom's Defense of Deceit.

The men went about their fun-making leisurely, knowing quite well the negro could not get angry or make any retort or leave the store, all of these methods of self-defense being ruled out by custom.

But his defense only infuriated the soldier.

And they had full right to defend their lives and that property and that home against violence or destruction; they had a right to use force, if necessary, to effect that defense.

Our investigators were arrested without warrant; solicitors for our defense fund met with the same fate.

The verdict, brutal and stupid as it is, shows the weakness and falsity of the state's charge more eloquently than anything the defense has ever said about it.

Day by day they had watched with increasing astonishment the efforts of the defense to present, and of the prosecution and the judge to exclude, from the consideration of the trial jury, the things everybody knew to be true about the tragedy at Centralia.

" There was evidence offered by the defense to show that the business interests held a meeting at the Elk's Club on October 20, 1919, at which ways and means to deal with the I.W.W. situation were discussed.

This was one of the principal issues that the defense sought to establish.

A third reason appears, then, for the organization of society, namely, the common defense.

We may, therefore, answer the two questions proposed at the beginning in this way: Government is the organization of society to carry on public works, to establish justice, and to provide for the common defense.

A visit from savages inhabiting another island would show the utility of the organization for common defense.

For obvious reasons, the common defense is vested in the general government.

The next step in the process, in any of the cases, is the filing of an Answer by the defendant, in which he states the grounds of his defense.

When the evidence for the plaintiff is all in, the defendant's attorney makes his opening statement, and then the witnesses for the defense are examined.

When all the evidence for the defense has been introduced, the plaintiff may offer evidence in "rebuttal," that is, to contradict or disprove new matter adduced by the defense.

When all the evidence for the defense has been introduced, the plaintiff may offer evidence in "rebuttal," that is, to contradict or disprove new matter adduced by the defense.

But an elective officer must be given "an opportunity to be heard in his own defense.

The accused must be given an opportunity to be "heard in his own defense."

Tun meant hedge, ditch or defense; and scipe, which we have also in landscape, meant what may be seen.

The purpose of this provision is to preserve the jury trial as a real defense against governmental oppression.

Situated as we are, with no powerful rivals near us, with the ocean between us and the countries of Europe, the common defense requires no great standing army to eat up our substance and to menace our liberties.

" The next ten minutes were spent in desperate attack on the part of the first and an equally desperate defense by the second eleven.

When our fathers proclaimed these truths, and at the hazard of their property, reputation, and life, stood up in their defense, they did homage to the sacred Scripturesthey honored the Bible.

My most important assignment here is to set up a secret base for Starlight Enterprise, which will be a backup and defense unit prepared for any events such as the one we've just experienced.

Do we say   defence   or  defense