160 examples of deficits in sentences

The teams in the cities of less population were expected to try to place rival organizations on the field that would equal in playing strength those of New York, Boston and Chicago, but they were unable to do so unless their owners were willing to go on year after year with large deficits staring them in the face.

And the Church, in the opening words of Sext for Sunday, impresses this idea on us "Deficit in salutare meum anima mea," "My soul hath fainted after thy salvation" (Ps. 118).

We seldom recognize our own queerness, but are prone to mark the erratic temperaments of others, and this is rather more comfortable than to be annoyed by a consciousness of our personal deficits.

Lack, want, need, deficiency, dearth, paucity, scarcity, deficit.

" Latrobe estimated the deficit in the revenue of the year 1853 as nearly four hundred thousand pounds, notwithstanding that he reckoned the whole gold revenue of six hundred thousand pounds as available for general expenses.

| Deficit in Vessel.

| Deficit in Vessel.

| D | F | D | 5 months Minesweepers | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 7 Trawlers |25 |18 |23 |14 |30 |13 |27 |28 |33 |24 | 41 It will be seen from these figures that the forecast of June was inaccurate even for the three succeeding months and that the total deficit in the five months was considerable, except in the case of T.B.D.'s and "P" boats.

The interest he pays is a disordered state of his accounts, and permanent and increasing deficits, which he can never make good.

Moreover, this tobacco tribute is a great burden on the colonial budget; which, in spite of all deficits, is charged with the expenses attending the collection of the tobacco, its packing, its cost of local transport, and half the expense of its carriage to Europe.

" The cause of these large deficits is mainly attributable to the increased expense of transporting the mails.

He had settled it as the maxim of his life to gain fast and spend fast; and having had considerable opportunity to spend before he had any to gain, he had on becoming a business man, some secret deficits to make good before he could really be as rich as people supposed him.

As his deficits had not been made by daylight, so daylight must have nothing to do in wiping them out; and hence darkness became more congenial than its reverse to all his plans, and he studied, as he thought, with singular success, the various tricks of blinding people to the state of his finances, as well as of bettering it.

Expenditure did not fall, and there was a constant succession of budget deficits.

Consequently every official began at once to collect more taxes than were really due, so as to be able to cover any deficits, and also to cover his own cost of livingincluding not only the repayment of his debts but the acquisition of capital or land so as to rise in the social scale.

Most choral societies have to be supported by guarantors, or friends or members must reach down in their pockets and make up the deficits that occur with unpleasant regularity.

Some, taking the Latin language for their model, and turning certain phrases into cases to fill up the deficits, were for having six in each number; namely, the nominative, the genitive, the dative, the accusative, the vocative, and the ablative.

Although Mr. Forbes does not like to have it known, I cannot refrain from stating that the club has not always been self-supporting, and that he has repeatedly made up deficits from his private funds.

The debts of the American states have partly been made necessary to meet deficits in current expenses, but largely of late to erect public buildings, purchase forest lands, improve roads, and construct canals.

Overhead costs rise; deficits in the public treasury grow; so does public debt.

Often, however, as gargantuan consumers, they play an important role in building up the deficits which finally wreck an economy.

Indeed, the New Zealand Treasury may be said to have been cradled in deficits.

For ten years there have been no deficits in New Zealand.

During the ten years beginning in 1879 New Zealand finance was little more than a series of attempts to avert deficits.

Treasury deficits, 203.

160 examples of  deficits  in sentences