10 examples of dekalb in sentences

R67090, 29Aug50. Auburn, including Auburn Junction, Dekalb County, Indiana.

R67090, 29Aug50. Auburn, including Auburn Junction, Dekalb County, Indiana.

"De firs' town I ever seen were DeKalb in Kemper County.

De Stephenson Plantation where I were born warnt but 'bout thirteen miles north o' DeKalb.

DeKalb huntin' up cannons an' guns an' mules.

"Us went to DeKalb nex' day in a drove an' ask de white folks to he'p us.

Mr. Ed were my young marster, you know, an' now he were de jailor in DeKalb.

Folks all over Kemper done hear'd 'bout it by now, an' by nine o'clock Sund'y mornin', people were a-comin' in over ever' road dat led to DeKalb.

"'De cullud people had gathered in DeKalb at de Methodis' Church.

Dey is goin' to be some trouble take place right here in DeKalb an' I don't want any cullud person to git hurt."

10 examples of  dekalb  in sentences