13 examples of delrio in sentences

After three months of such atrocity, Alva, fatigued rather than satiated with butchery, resigned his hateful functions wholly into the hands of Vargas, who was chiefly aided by the members Delrio and Dela Torre.

Pererius in his comment, and Tostatus questions on the 6th of Gen. Th. Aquin., St. Austin, Wierus, Th. Erastus, Delrio, tom. 2, l. 2, quaest.

Delrio, lib. 2. hath divers examples of their feats: Cicogna, lib.

Pictorius, Delrio, Cicogna, lib. 3, cap.

Delrio the Jesuit, Tom.

" "Say, can you laugh indignant at the schemes Of magic terrors, visionary dreams, Portentous wonders, witching imps of Hell, The nightly goblin, and enchanting spell?" They laugh at all such stories; but on the contrary are most lawyers, divines, physicians, philosophers, Austin, Hemingius, Danaeus, Chytraeus, Zanchius, Aretius, &c. Delrio, Springer, Niderius, lib.

As if a hare cross the way at our going forth, or a mouse gnaw our clothes: if they bleed three drops at nose, the salt falls towards them, a black spot appear in their nails, &c., with many such, which Delrio Tom.

lib. 1. de prodigiis, Delrio and others admit.

8, Wierus, Delrio lib.

Much better it were for such patients that are so troubled, to endure a little misery in this life, than to hazard their souls' health for ever, and as Delrio counselleth, [2805]"much better die, than be so cured."

Bellarmine, Delrio dis.

Delrio, Lipsius Bodine, daemonol.

Delrio, tom. 3. lib.

13 examples of  delrio  in sentences