30 examples of demme in sentences

Demmed annoying, that I can't have legal advice when I" "How many days have you been here?" "How the devil should I know?

Then suddenly, as his eye caught what he considered a suspicious movement of Bobby's hand as he placed a card close to Lady Deppingham's fingers: "Demme, II'd rather he

I'm demmed if I'll funk now, after all these rotten months.

"You don't believe that I can call the cruisers?" "Oh, come now, Chase, I'm not a demmed native, you know.

It'sit's demmed uncomfortable, to say the least.

" "You don't mean to say, Chase, that you'll stay on this demmed Island if the chance comes to get away," demanded Lord Deppingham earnestly.

"Demmed interestin'.

"Eggs be demmed," said he.

"Toast be demmed," he said.

"Tea be demmed," he shouted.

"Paté de fois gras be demmed," shouted he.

"He's a demmed cad," Said his lordship conclusively.

Demmed miserable time I had out there.

Demmed cad, blowhard!

" "By Jove, now, that's a demmed mean trick.

It's a demmed annoying attitude.

Demme, I can't find the cook's room, anyway.

We must scour the whole demmed valley."

"Demme, I'd rather not cross him.

Isn't it rather odd that a house should be lighted so brilliantly at this hour of night?" "Demmed servants forgot to put out the lamps," groaned Bazelhurst without interest.

"Demme, I know you!" roared the duke.

Who are you punching, demme!

Barminster's face was white and his voice shook as he ventured the horrid speculation: "The good Lord save usit's that demmed haunted house Pen was talking about!"

"Bby Jove," he said blankly, "that's demmed hot coffee!" "Is this true, Penelope?" gasped his lordship.

Speaking of THACKERAY, Messrs. CASSELL & Co. have just brought out a one-and-threepenny edition ("the threepence be demmed!") of the Yellowplush Papers, with a dainty canary-coloured Jeames on the cover.

30 examples of  demme  in sentences