59 examples of denslow in sentences

Observe those five women standing with Denslow and Adonaïs,grandeur, sweetness, grace, form, purity; each has an attribute.

In New York, par excellence the city of private gorgeousness and petite magnificence, nothing had yet been seen equal to the rooms of the glorious Denslow Palace.

Denslow and Jeffrey Lethal, the critic, completed our circle.

"Senator D, perhaps," suggested Denslow, whose ideas, like his person, aspired to the senatorial.

To Denslow, Honoria, Dalton, and myself he offered nothing.

All the world looked on, when Honoria Denslow placed her hand upon the shoulder of the Duke of Rosecouleur, and the noble and beautiful forms began silently and smoothly turning, with a dream-like motion.

" "And Denslow?" "A born sycophant;he thinks it natural that his wife should love a duke, and a duke love his wife.

When I first saw him, he was in the room, speaking with Madam Denslow.

" "What mean you?" "I mean that Denslow is a bankrupt.

The Grs, the Ses, and their kind, have more talent, but Denslow enjoys the secret of popularity.

Denslow's railroad schemes have absorbed the capital of those concerns.

Denslow was certain of the popular and county votes; he needed only the aristocratic support, and the A people would have made him Senator.

The advent of this mysterious duke,whom I doubt,hailed by Denslow and Honoria as a piece of wonderful good-fortune, has already shaken him and ruined the prestige of his wife.

There are three hundred people in the rooms of the Denslow Palace; these people are the 'aristocracy.'

" At this moment Denslow came in.

" "Mr. John Vanbrugen Denslow, you are an ass!"

" "Denslow, I have told you a thousand times never to concede position.

Denslow perspired with mortification.

" Denslow hastened back to the Duke.

Denslow stood close behind me.

Mrs. Denslow, whom it was my highest pleasure to know, seemed to me to surpass that of the queen of my original.

I first, with great secrecy, unknown to your wife," continued the Duke, turning to Denslow, "procured a portrait from the life by memory, which was afterwards transferred to this canvas.

" "Denslow, then, is ruined.

Although he was hardly W.W. Denslow or Frank Kramer, Simon's artistic abilities were far superior to those of Dirk.

SEE Denslow, Ray V. HOLMES, HARRY N. General chemistry.

59 examples of  denslow  in sentences