Do we say dents or dense

dents 45 occurrences

" Her forefinger was still making dents.

" The horses were walking slowly up the hill; Marjorie made dents in the bag of flour, in the bag of indian meal, and in the bag of wheat bran, and studied Hollis' back.

Nor were these sceptics silenced when the gashes in the coat, the dents in the medal, and the blood of the royal sufferer was pointed out.

attempt impossibilities; square the circle, wash a blackamoor white; skin a flint; make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, make bricks without straw; have nothing to go upon; weave a rope of sand, build castles in the air, prendre la lune avec les dents [Fr.], extract sunbeams from cucumbers, set the Thames on fire, milk a he-goat into a sieve, catch a weasel asleep,

prendre le mors aux dents

A hummocky up-and-down line of cliffs, all projections, dents, bays, and hollows, trended southward till it ended in the great bluff of St. Alban's Head, ten miles away.

I proved this by an examination which showed the dents in the woodwork.

Beyond the limits of the Leman, the Alps shot up into still higher pinnacles, occasionally showing one of those naked excrescences of granite, which rise for a thousand feet above the rest of the rangea trifle in the stupendous scale of the vast pilesand which, in the language of the country are not inaptly termed Dents, from some fancied and plausible resemblance to human teeth.

There are evil signs playing about the high peaks and in the neighborhood of the Dents since the sun has set!"

He thus describes the pleasure he felt in seeing a heron succumb to the vigorous attack of the falcons: "Qui auroit la mort aux dents, Il revivroit d'avour un tel passe-temps!" ("He who is about to die Would live again with such amusement.")

The Marquis looked and looked at me when I laughed, and then lifting his glass of vin ordinaire, he said: "Les belles dents rendent gai."

It was in eight or a dozen pieces, and quite heavy, but was wonderfully carved and inlaid with silver, and there were dents on it that showed where a Saracen's scimetar had been dulled and many a brave knight's spear had struck.

The men came around him and pawed him, and felt the dents in the armor, and tried the weight of it by holding up one of his arms, and handled him generally as though he were a freak in a museum.

Why, I don't know; but the charcoal just glided about and merely seemed to make dents and scratches on the "frozen porridge."

La mule, qui voit un bras tendu devant elle sans savoir pourquoi, saisit le poignet avec les dents.

Particularly it required imagination to realize that this tower had ever been struck; visually more convincing was a plate elsewhere which had been left unpainted, showing a spatter of dents from shell-fragments.

One had an abrasion, a tracery of dents.

la basse Lusace, Et dont la pesanteur, qui nous met sur les dents, S'accroît quand par hasard une femme est dedans.

pendant qu'ils ont l'air terrible, et qu'ils songent, Écoutez, on entend le bruit des dents qui rongent.

à la renverse; On distingue les dents sinistres d'une herse, Et, plus bas, le regard flotte dans de la nuit; Le sang sur les parois fait un rougeâtre enduit; L'Épouvante est au fond de ce puits toute nue; On sent qu'il pourrit de l'histoire inconnue, Et que ce vieux sépulcre, oublié maintenant, Cuve du meurtre, est plein de larves se traînant, D'ombres tâtant le mur et de spectres reptiles.

Sigismond s'est dressé comme un dogue en arrêt; Ladislas bondit, hurle, ébauche une huée, Grince des dents et rit, et, comme la nuée Résume en un éclair le gouffre pluvieux, Toute sa rage éclate en ce cri:C'est un vieux!

la bise; Plus d'un monstre a grincé des dents sous son talon,

la herse ses poids, On avait des fourneaux pour le soufre et la poix, On pouvait mordre avec ses dents le roc farouche, Se défendre, hurler, lutter, s'emplir la bouche De feu, de plomb fondu, d'huile, et les leur cracher A la figure avec les éclats du rocher!

Toujours entre ses dents un cadavre saignait; Ce spectre noircissait le firmament sublime.

Casey was down on his knees hammering dents out of the rim of a front wheel so that the new tire could go on.

dense 1829 occurrences

We struck across to an island opposite our landing-place, containing five or six acres, covered with a dense growth of spruce, hemlock, and fir, with an occasional pine standing with its tall head proudly above the other forest trees, while along the ground the low whortleberry bushes, loaded with fruit, now just ripening, grew.

The alders gradually contracted, the channel becoming narrower until we were passing under a low archway of branches, covered with dense foliage, through which the sunlight could not penetrate.

The smoke of burning fallows was occasionally seen, wreathing in dense columns towards the sky.

The one we entered flows in a tortuous course through a natural meadow, stretching away on either hand forty or fifty rods, to a dense forest of spruce, maple, and beech, above which gigantic pines stand stately and tall in their pride.

the water deep and sluggish, flowing through a dense forest, the tall trees on the banks stretching their leafy arms across the narrow channel, forming above it an arch delightfully cool, through which the sunlight could scarcely penetrate.

May it not be that science, while delving among the wrecks of vanished ages, may stumble upon some new principle, or combination of the elements of which these old rocks are composed, that shall give them a value beyond that of the richest lowlands, and make them the centre of a dense and cultivated population?" "Your question," answered Spalding, "is suggestive.

It is surrounded by gigantic forest trees, whose shadows make it a cool retreat in the heat of noon, and whose dense foliage fills the air with freshness and fragrance when the sun is hot in the sky.

I didn't answer a word, and after a little, he flew back to his shadowy perch among the dense foliage of the hemlock.

Toward spring, when the weather is warm during the day and frosty at night, repeated thawing and freezing and new layers of snow render the bridging-masses dense and firm, so that one may safely walk across the streams, or even lead a horse across them without danger of falling through.

See how dense and opaque they are at the point of attachment, and how filmy and translucent toward the end, so that the peaks back of them are seen dimly, as though you were looking through ground glass.

Instead of being encompassed by a narrow ring of trees like Orange Lake, these lie embosomed in dense moraine woods, so dense that in seeking them you may pass them by again and again, although you may know nearly where they lie concealed.

Instead of being encompassed by a narrow ring of trees like Orange Lake, these lie embosomed in dense moraine woods, so dense that in seeking them you may pass them by again and again, although you may know nearly where they lie concealed.

The sketch represented him with the same broad forehead, smooth, dense light hair, pale blue eyes under eyebrows with a slight frown in them, and the charming mouth rather fully curved, expressing an amiable and pleasure-loving nature.

The men had to cut their way through a dense jungle.

In 1838 when the Queen was driving in her carriage the crowd was so dense that Patteson, then at school at Eton, became entangled in the wheel of the carriage and would have been thrown underneath and run over had it not been for the young Queen's quick perception.

From this to Natches (232 miles,) the country is not interesting, consisting principally of dense forest and wilderness, impenetrable to the eye, diversified, however, by the various water fowl which the passing vessels disturb, in their otherwise solitary haunts, and by the number of black and grey squirrels leaping from branch to branch in the trees.

I have discovered, by a long series of observations, that invention and elocution suffer great impediments from dense and impure vapours, and that the tenuity of a defecated air at a proper distance from the surface of the earth, accelerates the fancy, and sets at liberty those intellectual powers which were before shackled by too strong attraction, and unable to expand themselves under the pressure of a gross atmosphere.

Cocoanuts, breadfruit, limes, oranges, badamiers, mangoes, and other trees made a dense forest, and a hectare or more was planted with vanilla-vines that grew on the false coffee of which hedges were usually made.

A dense column of white smoke arose, and its acrid odor closed my eyes for a moment.

At this moment, Catherine Felton could meditate quite at her ease, without fear of being noticed; for the tobacco smoke, three times as dense and abundant as usual, enveloped her in an almost opaque cloud.

Is it not necessary, if he would open a passage through the dense woods?

On farther reflection, he remembers that behind his grotto, on one of the first terraces of the mountain, there is a dense thicket, where the trees, embarrassed with vines and dry briers, closely interwoven, calcined by the burning reflections of the sun on the rock which surrounds them, present a collection of dead branches and mouldy trunks, scarcely masked by the semblance of vegetation.

Five horses were shot under him; his garments were pierced with balls; his whole person was disfigured with blood and mud, yet he would have continued the contest on foot while life remained, had he not been forced from the field, by the dense and resistless columns of the fugitives.

The banks were lined with dense clumps of cane, and a few willows that bent their hairy foliage low over the water, forming dark vaults through which the boat could make its way.

There hidden amidst the dense foliage she discovered to me her only son, upon whom gazing in admiration, I found his beauty such that in all things did he appear fashioned like unto her, except in so far as being he a god and she a goddess.

Do we say   dents   or  dense