8394 examples of depending in sentences

Depending on the species, their life span is between six months to one year.

Depending on the species the eyesight may be well or poorly developed.

Depending on the species a spider's life span ranges from a couple of months to more than a decade (e.g. mygalomorphs).

Fertilization of eggs may be internal or external depending on the species.

Transparent plastic containers (size depending on the individual species) can be used to rear spiders.

Depending on the time left, I would speak about other things too, like crocodiles, turtles or spiders.

Depending upon it, we had been hugging the wrong shore.

All my Happyness is now depending upon your Goodness and without your kind assistance I must be forever miserableI should have never thought of making application to you for this favor had it not been in Consequence of a vision by Night since my Fathers Death who appeared to me in a Dream in my Misfortunes three times in one Night telling me to make applycation to you for Money and that you would relieve me from my distresses.

It is true that the early Quakers wrote volumes of controversy against many of the prevailing opinions of their day; such as the doctrine of predestination, and of salvation depending upon faith, rather than upon works.

Her hard bust was covered by many rows of the finest Asiatic pearls, and depending from her girdle was a rosary of jet, which sustained a richly embossed golden cross, probably enshrining a piece of wood of the true cross from Palestine.

"In the drunkard," says Dr. Willan, "the memory and the faculties depending on it, being impaired, there takes place an indifference towards usual occupations, and accustomed society or amusements.

Strong men, O monarch, engage in battle depending on their might, and not on the force of numbers nor on information of the enemy's plans procured through spies.

Even they that are strong, engage in battle depending on their courage.

Whatever sinful deeds, O Bhima, one seeketh to achieve, depending on his courage alone, become always a source of pain.

Arjuna said, 'Depending on the Gandiva and arrows blazing like fire, I live in this great forest, like a second Pavaki.

Depending upon the might of that illustrious hero's arms, regard our foes as already vanquished in battle, and the whole earth itself as already acquired by us.

This is a station in which vigilance is ever required; and it sometimes happens in vessels where the rigid discipline of a regular service does not exist, that others rely so much on the circumstance that they forget their own duties, in depending on the due discharge of his by the man at the wheel.

On what else, I ask, are the hundreds of women depending, who, this hour, demand in our courts a release from burdensome contracts?

He was a man fairly well to do in the world, as he had no one depending on him but one daughter,no one, that is to say, whom he was obliged to support.

This will require from four to ten hours, depending upon the age and variety of the wheat used.

We do not recommend its use either for the table or for cooking purposes when cream can be obtained, since butter is rarely found in so pure a state that it is not undergoing more or less decomposition, depending upon its age and the amount of casein retained in the butter through the carelessness of the manufacturer.

There are no absolute rules for the service of company dinners, much depending upon social conditions and established customs.

The choice of instrument depending, of course, upon the activity of the bug.

He knows, too, that he is breaking the rules of the school in being out of his place, but he stays notwithstanding, and is delighting himself with thinking how disappointed and sad his schoolmate will be when he comes in and finds his work spoiled by having another handwriting in it, when he was depending on doing it all himself.'

This external pull is communicated to the interior, so that any portion of the material exerts a pull or tensile force upon the remainder, the ability to do so depending upon the property of cohesion.

8394 examples of  depending  in sentences