290 examples of depreciated in sentences

Thus far it has been sustained by funds on hand, the seizure of national forts, arms, and arsenals, by the appropriation of debts due to Northern merchants, by supplies from Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, and by the issue of paper already greatly depreciated.

As the prisoner rose and turned to pass out, I cast him a hurried glance to see what effect had been made upon him by this ingenuous outburst from one he had possibly just a little depreciated.

No country in the world has ever more abused paper currency; her paper money is probably the most greatly depreciated of any country on earth.

As for the Austrian and Hungarian crowns, the Jugo-Slav crowns, the Rumanian lei, and all the other depreciated moneys, their fate is not doubtful.

We can see how it was that Shelley overestimated both the character and the powers of Hunt; and Byron depreciated Keats, and was ultimately repelled by Wordsworth, and held out his hand to meet the manly grasp of Scott.

Let him not, however, be depreciated in his grave.

These issued notes so extravagantly that the currency of the country, as stated by Professor Sumner, was depreciated twenty-five per cent.

But with advancing light and the experience of depreciated currency from the multiplication of State banks, Clay had changed his views, exposing himself to the charge of inconsistency; which, however, he met with engaging candor, claiming rather credit for his ability and willingness to see the change of public needs.

Gracchus saw slave labour ruining free labour, and the manhood and soil of Italy and the Roman army proportionately depreciated.

[Footnote 71: Relating to the sale or exchange of Government drafts for bank notes and the payment of Government creditors in depreciated currency.

[Footnote 78: Relating to the refusal of banks to pay the Government demands in specie since the general resumption in 1838, and the payment of Government creditors in depreciated currency.

Add to this, that, after M. Le Blanc's death, Madame Le Blanc, a much younger person, did not so well understand the management of affairs, the property depreciated, and many losses were encountered, and it happens that the sum due Mrs. Heath covers the whole amount that Marguerite possesses.

This has been the chief reason why he was never quite satisfied with his own work, and always depreciated its quality, esteeming that his hand failed to attain the idea which he had formed within his brain.

That the attorneys and managers have deliberately endeavoured to raise a panic, whereby property might be depreciated to their own advantage; showing clearly thereby, that they consider Jamaica property, even with the laborers, irreclaimably free, a desirable investment.

We have considered reasons that seem to point to the destruction of a great amount of old property and old debt, and the creation of a great volume of new debt before the end of the war, and we have adopted the ideas that currency will probably have depreciated more and more and prices risen right up to the very end.

The number is never large of those who can hope to fill the posts of degraded power, catch the fragments of shattered fortune, or succeed to the honours of depreciated beauty.

The assignats have depreciated, just as I predicted, the army is in revolt, and the ministers threatened with la lanterne.

He argued that "money lent in this depreciated and depreciating state can hardly be said to be lent from a spirit of patriotism; it was a mere speculation in public securities.

The price was nominally seventy cents an acre; but as payment was made in depreciated public securities, the real price was only eight or nine cents an acre.

You will forgive this digression, which I have been led into on hearing the character of Madame de la F depreciated, because she was only gentle and amiable, and did not read Plutarch, nor hold literary assemblies.

The peculiar merits of this treaty are as little understood, however, as they have been unjustly depreciated in some quarters, and the obstacles to the accomplishment overlooked.

The only crop in this island is ginger, and it is so depreciated that nobody buys it or wants to take it to Spain....

You may believe me when I assert that the bonds which were due to me before the Revolution, were discharged during the progress of itwith a few exceptions in depreciated paper (in some instances as low as a shilling in the pound).

Before the Revolution he had a good sized holding of Bank of England stock, and an annuity in the funds, besides considerable property on bond, the larger part of which, as already noted, was liquidated in depreciated paper money.

; the unit of the Russian monetary system; a much depreciated paper rouble is also in circulation; the rouble is divided into 100 copecks.

290 examples of  depreciated  in sentences