8231 examples of description in sentences

They had both seen the deceased come in at seven o'clock in company with a gentleman, and their description of the latter coincided with that of the appearance of Mr. Timothy Beddingfield, whom, however, they did not actually know.

No one can give the faintest description of the mysterious man who alone could have committed that clever deed, and the police are playing a game of blind man's buff.

The description this witness gave of Mrs. Owen's get-up, with the shawl round her head, coincided point by point with that given by Mr. and Mrs. Hall.

" "A bear, sir?" "Yes sira bear, sir!" "Do you consider me a bear, do you?" "An unmitigated grizzly bear, sir, of the most ferocious and uncivilized description," replied Roundjacket, with great candor.

Those who have never read the masques argue, that, as "very little Latin and less Greek," in truth no learning of any traceable description, went to the creation of Ariel and Caliban, Oberon and Puck, the possession of Latin, Greek, and learning generally, incapacitates the proprietor for the same happy exercise of the finer and more gracious faculties of wit and fancy.

At the railway-station he heard that a man who, from the description given, might be Talboys, had gone by the afternoon train to London.

Thus may be explained the common mistake which is noticed by Messrs. Wall and Sawkins {148b} in their admirable description of the lake.

The mud volcanoes of Turbaco, in New Granada, famous from Humboldt's description of them, lie in an asphaltic country.

As to Shakspeare, there never was a better; as his description of the murdered Duke of Gloucester, in Henry VI., of Duncan's, Banquo's, &c., sufficiently proves.

In one of these excursions (1670) he visited the Peak in Derbyshire, partly in consequence of Hobbes's description of it.

This Barrister may be likened to an ignorant but well-meaning Galenist, who writing against some infamous quack, who lived by puffing and vending pills of mercurial sublimate for all cases of a certain description, should have no stronger argument than to extol 'sarsaparilla', and 'lignum vitæ', or 'senna' in contempt of all mercurial preparations.

We have seen two of these birds, and can vouch for the truth of the description.

General description.

After the alteration of the style, he kept his birthday on the 18th of September, and it is accordingly marked September 7/18 [c] The impression which this interview left on Johnson's fancy, is recorded by Mrs. Piozzi in her anecdotes; and Johnson's description of it is picturesque and poetical.

[f] After comparing this description with that lately given by Mr. Bruce, the reader will judge, whether Lobo is to lose the honour of having been at the head of the Nile, near two centuries before any other European traveller.


Many of the snow-white mules are of the same description, and about as useless.

In the description of the concert in last week's newspaper I was called l'Anglais de marbre.

The city itself was all bustle with warlike preparations, artificers of every description being collected together in a public workshop.

When the PREPARATORY commands consists of more than one part its elements are arranged as follows: (1) For movements to be executed successively by the subdivisions or elements of an organization: (a) Description of the movement; (b) how executed, or on what element executed.

The description of some such rites as these is, no doubt, what led the worthy Hernandez to suppose that the Mayas had Trinitarian doctrines.

When he dropped his paper and looked about him for the waiter, evidently wishing to pay for his coffee, he showed a face sufficiently remarkable to deserve description.

I have seen HUNDREDS of droves and chain-coffles of this description, and every coffle was a scene of misery and wo, of tears and brokenness of heart.

In the first volume of that work, page 128, Mr. P. gives the following description: "The sun was shining out very hotand in turning the angle of the road, we encountered the following group: first, a little cart drawn by one horse, in which five or six half naked black children were tumbled like pigs together.

The above description applies to the places generally with which I was acquainted, and they were mostly old settlements.

8231 examples of  description  in sentences