4 examples of desecrator in sentences

Now, this bitumen was put on for a purposefor the purpose of obliterating the inscriptions and thus concealing the identity of the deceased from the robbers and desecrators of tombs.

Parties of Muslim were sent out to the neighbouring districts to break these desecrators of Islam.

There in the seat where I was wont to pursue my even tenor as an orchid slumbered Martin Dyke, amateur desecrator of other men's houses, challenger of the wayward fates, fanatic of a will-o'-the-wisp pursuit, desperate adventurer in the uncharted realms of love; and in his face, turned toward the polychromatic abominations of the house, so soon to be deserted, was all the pathos and all the beauty of illusion-haunted youth.

We feel like thieves, like desecrators, impiously prying.

4 examples of  desecrator  in sentences