32 examples of deserta in sentences


Two days after, the merchant Setoc set out for Arabia Deserta, with his slaves and his camels.

And all this is in a country so desolated by centuries of war that in spite of obvious natural fertility it is a sullen treeless deserta desert of blight and thistles, as profitless to our men as their periodically deferred anticipations of a grand advance.

Alter per Turquescen, et per Persiam, tamen ibi sunt deserta plurium dietarum, in quibus nisi esset exercitus bene prouisus, posset perire.

Quoniam illo transmisso instant deserta 15, aut plurium diætatum inhabitata nunc temporis (prout audieramus) diuersis et nobis ignotis generibus bestiarum, serpentum, draconum, gryphium, aspidum, dypsarum, et colubrorum in multitudine tanta, vt centum millia armatorum simul pertingere vsquè ad arbores, quæ ibi dicuntur solis et lunæ, vix possent.

Vnus nostrorum fluuiorum Pyson currit per Indiam, et per eius deserta quandoque sub terra, sed saepiùs supra, qui et Ganges illic appellatus est, ab illo vltimo Paganitatis rege, quem Dux Ogerus deuictum cùm baptizari renueret in ipso flumine proiectum submersit.

There lived, not many years ago, on the eastern shore of Mt. Deserta large island off the coast of Mainean old fisherman, by the name of Jedediah Spinnet, who owned a schooner of some hundred tons burden, in which he, together with some four stout sons, was wont to go, about once a year, to the Grand Banks, for the purpose of catching codfish.

Quae quidem (saith he) plurimum atra bile vexatis et melancholicis eveniunt, deserta frequentant, hominumque congressum aversantur; which is an ordinary thing with melancholy men.

e ciascuna era certa De la sua sepoltura, ed ancor nulla Era per Francia nel lotto deserta.

They were still so far away that even a camel would have looked no larger than an ant at that distance, but they were assuredly human beings, two who were strangers to the desertfor the palm knew the people of the deserta man and a woman, who had neither guide, nor beasts of burden, nor tent, nor water-bag.

Near Madeira lie the rocky Deserta Islands, which are reckoned as forming part of Africa.

Ismael the Turk violently abused him for not praying in the words of the Koran, at the same time maintaining, with great apparent wisdom, that nobody had charms to stop these moving sands but the inhabitants of Arabia Deserta.

From the great affinity between the manners and customs of these country Moors, and the Scenite Arabs, the inhabitants of Arabia Deserta, we may naturally infer that they must have derived those habits from the latter.

The vast plains of sand with which Arabia Deserta abounds, were occasionally interspersed with fertile spots, which appeared like little islands.

It's a home, but it's just a deserta desertthe way it is now.

Humboldt says, that in the Northern Deserta, the petrels hide in rabbit burrows.

(Americana deserta)

(Americana deserta)

(Americana deserta)

The Regione Deserta, or desolate region of Etna, first attracts the eye, marked in winter by a circle of ice and snow, but now (July) by cinders and black sand.

'Me Parnassi deserta per ardua, dulcis Raptat Amor; juvat ire jugis qua nulla priorum Castaliam molle divertitur Orbita Clivo.' Virg.

credetne virûm ventura propago, Cum segetes iterum, cum jam haec deserta virebunt, Infra urbes populosque premi? SYLV.

It was as if she had been cast out into a deserta sandy plain smitten with the relentless Sun of Life, and in it was no house of refuge, no comfortable tree, no waters of healing.

About noon next day we rode out of the cedars into the open deserta rolling, level land covered with fine grass, and yellow daisies, Indian paint brush, and a golden flowering weed.

Burke Ranger was one of the thirstiest when he reached the town after his ride through the deserta ride upon which he had flatly refused to allow Sylvia to accompany him.

32 examples of  deserta  in sentences