47 examples of desiccated in sentences

The trip was full of discomforts, and there was great danger, at one time, that the train would arrive at Niagara with a load of desiccated bodies.

Our provisions consisted of pemmican, biscuits, desiccated milk, and chocolate.

" He drew fiercely on his stogy, which being desiccated flared like a Roman candle.

For other varieties, mix with the flour 1 dessertspoon caraway seeds for Seed Cake; 2 tablespoons desiccated cocoanut for Cocoanut Cake; 6 ozs.

1/2 lb. desiccated cocoanut, 1/4 lb. sugar, 2 small eggs. Proceed as for Macaroons, but make the cakes smaller.

Flavouring may consist of lemon rind, desiccated cocoanut, cooked currants, carraway seed, mace, ginger, etc.

Neither wealth nor power, neither education nor environment, not even the inherent tendencies of racethe most powerful of allcan avail against the degenerative force of a life without religion, or, what is worse, that maintains only a desiccated formula; and the post-Renaissance philosophies are one and all definitely anti-religious and self-proclaimed substitutes for religion.

The contact with that desiccated skin intensified to an extraordinary degree Hilda's emotional sympathy for the ageing woman.

And she sat and stared at the closed eyes of the desiccated Sarah Gailey, and waited for the instant of arrival apprehensively and as it were incredulouslynot with fear, not with pleasure, but with the foreboding of adventure and a curious idea that the instant of arrival never would come.

Rainfall was scarcely existent, any more than it is existent in Southern or Upper Egypt; but in the days of Babylon the Great there were true rulers and men of wisdom over these desiccated regions, who saw that every drop of water in the river, that now pours senselessly through swamp and desert into the sea, was a grain of corn or a stalk of cotton.

Almost every one had gone out of town; but now and then Miss Ray came to dine, and Ralph, seated beneath the family portraits and opposite the desiccated Harriet, who had already faded to the semblance of one of her own great-aunts, listened languidly to the kind of talk that the originals might have exchanged about the same table when New York gentility centred in the Battery and the Bowling Green.

Volney and Pariset think it was intended to obviate, in hot climates especially, danger from pestilence, being primarily a cheap and simple process, elegance and luxury coming later; and the Count de Caylus states the idea of embalmment was derived from the finding of desiccated bodies which the burning sands of Egypt had hardened and preserved.

His mind was invaded by the idea of classification, by memories of specimens and museums; and he initiated that accumulation of desiccated anthropological anecdotes that still figures importantly in current sociological work.

In each black sack the French soldier carriedin addition to the legendary bâton of a field-marshala complete change of underclothing, a second pair of boots, provisions for two days, consisting of desiccated soup, chocolate and other groceries, and a woollen night-cap.

In the morning, some oatmeal and coffee; at noon, some cabbage soup boiled with desiccated meat and some bread; at night, more coffee and bread.

Among the quartermaster's stores was a wagon-load of desiccated vegetables, a very valuable article for an army in the field.

Here were sticks which had formed the timbers of their huts; there were pieces of clothing and cooking-utensils; and here and there, partly buried by the shifting sands, were seen the bodies of Rackbirds, already desiccated by the dry air and the hot sun of the region.

Desiccated tomatoes, potatoes, and other vegetables are also mixed with the cereals for bread-making.

COCOANUT FLAVOR.Cocoanut, freshly grated or desiccated, unless in extremely fine particles, is a very indigestible substance, and when its flavor is desired for custards, puddings, etc., it is always better to steep a few tablespoonfuls in a pint of milk for twenty minutes or a half hour, and strain out the particles.

One tablespoonful of freshly grated cocoanut or two of the desiccated will give a very pleasant and delicate flavor; and if a more intense flavor is desired, use a larger quantity.

COCOANUT AND CORNSTARCH BLANCMANGE.Simmer two tablespoonfuls of desiccated cocoanut in a pint of milk for twenty minutes, and strain through a fine sieve.

MOLDED TAPIOCA WITH FRUIT.Simmer one half cup of desiccated cocoanut in a pint of milk for twenty minutes.

A cocoanut custard pudding may be made of the above by flavoring the milk before using, with two tablespoonfuls of desiccated cocoanut

By a fortunate chance we have even recovered bodies accidentally desiccated and preserved intact in the dry soil.

When the wound in the earth is closed, and the wave of life has again rushed over it, when things have returned to their wonted, now desiccated show, then the very Sahara of desolation opens around them, and for a time existence seems almost insupportable.

47 examples of  desiccated  in sentences