35 examples of despotes in sentences

You find passages in the New Testament, where you think despotes refers to a person who is a slaveholder, and doulos to a person who is a slave.

For instance, there are passages in the New Testament where despotes means "God"Jesus Christ"Head of a family:" and where doulos means "a minister or agent"a subject of a king"a disciple or follower of Christ."

Despotes and doulos are the words used in the original of the expression: "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace:" doulos in that of the expressions, "servant of Christ," and "let him be servant of all."

I trust that enough has been said, under this my first head, to show that the various senses in which the words despotes and doulos are employed, justify me in taking the position, that whenever we meet with them, we are to determine, from the nature of the case, and from the connexion in which they are used, whether they refer to servitude in general, or to a species of it.

" I need not extend my remarks to prove, that despotes and doulos are, in the case before us, to be taken in their comprehensive sense of master and servant: and, clearly, therefore, the abolitionist is not guilty of violating your rule, "not to interfere with a civil relation (in another place, you say, 'any of the existing relations of life') for which, and to regulate which, either Christ or his Apostles have prescribed regulations."

You find passages in the New Testament, where you think despotes refers to a person who is a slaveholder, and doulos to a person who is a slave.

For instance, there are passages in the New Testament where despotes means "God"Jesus Christ"Head of a family:" and where doulos means "a minister or agent"a subject of a king"a disciple or follower of Christ."

Despotes and doulos are the words used in the original of the expression: "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace:" doulos in that of the expressions, "servant of Christ," and "let him be servant of all."

I trust that enough has been said, under this my first head, to show that the various senses in which the words despotes and doulos are employed, justify me in taking the position, that whenever we meet with them, we are to determine, from the nature of the case, and from the connexion in which they are used, whether they refer to servitude in general, or to a species of it.

" I need not extend my remarks to prove, that despotes and doulos are, in the case before us, to be taken in their comprehensive sense of master and servant: and, clearly, therefore, the abolitionist is not guilty of violating your rule, "not to interfere with a civil relation (in another place, you say, 'any of the existing relations of life') for which, and to regulate which, either Christ or his Apostles have prescribed regulations."

SOUVERAIN Gustave III, roi de Suède, était un despote éclairé et aimait à faire justice de tout le monde, sans partialité.

DESPOTE, m., souverain qui gouverne arbitrairement.

[Footnote: L'hippodrome Grec, aujourd'hui l'atméïdan des Turcs.] J'y vis le frère de l'empereur, despote de Morée, s'exercer avec une vingtaine d'autres cavaliers.

On verra plus bas que le despote de Servie en payoit annuellement cinquante mille à lui seul.]

C'est ainsi que dans la dernière armée de Grèce il se trouva trois mille chevaux de Servie, que le despote de cette province envoya sous le commandement d'un de ses fils.

Ce prince, en 1389, venoit de remporter sur le despote de Servie une victoire signalée dans laquelle il l'avoit fait prisonnier, et il parcouroit le champ de bataille quand, passant auprès d'un soldat

Morave à un bac, et j'entrai sur les terres du despote de Rassie ou de Servie, pays beau et peuplé.

Ce qui est en-deçà de la rivière lui appartient, ce qui se trouve au-delà est au Turc; mais le despote lui paie annuellement cinquante mille ducats de tribut.

L'on me dit aussi, à la cour du despote, que le Turc a partagé entre trois capitaines la garde et défense de ces provinces frontières.

Ci-dessus, lorsqu'il a spécifié le contingent que le despote étoit obligé de fournir à l'armée Turque, il n'a parlé que de chevaux.

ce château de Coulombach, qu'il a pris au despote.

Sur le Danube encore, mais à l'opposite de Belgrade, et dans la Hongrie, le despote possède également une ville avec château.

D'ailleurs ils ont parmi eux un très-grand nombre de chrétiens qui servent forcément: Grecs, Bulgares, Macédoniens, Albanois, Esclavons, Valaques, Rasciens et autres sujets du despote de Rascie.

De Pensey j'arrivai par la plaine la plus unie que je connoisse, et après avoir traversé en bac une rivière à Beurquerel, ville qui appartient au despote de Rassie, et je passai deux autres rivières sur un pont.

Le ciel est à Dieu; j'ai la terre.' Et, comme tout se tient, se mêle et se confond, Tous les tyrans n'étant qu'un seul despote au fond, Ce que dit ce sultan jadis, ce roi le pense.

35 examples of  despotes  in sentences