2509 examples of destines in sentences

In one of the French scenes of La Precaution inutile, produced 5 March, 1692, by the Italian comedians, Gaufichon (Act i, I) cries to Leandre: 'Je destine ma soeur

He maintained a numerous army, of which he made no other use than to review and to talk of it; and when he, or perhaps his emissaries, saw a boy, whose form and sprightliness promised a future soldier, he ordered a kind of badge to be put about his neck, by which he was marked out for the service, like the sons of Christian captives in Turkey; and his parents were forbidden to destine him to any other mode of life.

It is not to be imagined, my lords, that in this time of peculiar danger, parents will destine their children to maritime employments, or that any man will engage in naval business who can exercise any other profession; and therefore the death or captivity of a sailor leaves a vacuity in our commerce, since no other will be ready to supply his place.

This, however, I have joined to the rest; and have now the pleasure of sending them to you for the use to which you informed me it was your desire to destine them.

He diverted him from the Church, to which his own tastes seemed to destine him, suggesting that civil employment had become very corrupt through want of men of liberal education and good principles, and should be redeemed from this reproach, and declaring that, though he had been called an enemy of the Church, he would never do it any other injury than keeping Mr Addison out of it.

destine, doom, foredoom, devote; predestine, preordain; cast a spell &c 992; necessitate; compel &c 744.

These are the poems that give us immense and shapely symbols of the spirit of man, conscious not only of the sense of his own destined being, but also of some sense of that which destines.

of destiuar, destined, designed, intended. destinar, to destine, design. destino, m., fate, destiny.

He has resolved to dry the different plants which appear to him most proper for the use to which he destines them, and to submit them afterwards to a trial by fire.

'Your father, I believe, destines you for commerce.

In what capacity Dryden lived with his kinsman, or to what line of life circumstances seemed to destine the future poet, we are left at liberty to conjecture.

Yet it is hard that me the lot should destine To be the instrument of his perdition; For we were pages at the court of Bergau At the same period; but I was the senior. BUTLER.

The crown to which fate destines thee, and which preternatural agents endeavour to bestow upon thee.

I will take care to prepare the bathing tubs: that which I destine for him shall be filled with boiling water, so that he will be instantly scalded to death; after which you will call in your and his attendants, and explain to them how your affectionate steward had expired in the act of bathing."

Are Tristram Shandy and the Sentimental Journey destined to descend from the second class into the thirdfrom the region of partial into that of total neglect, and to have their portion with Clarissa Harlowe and Sir Charles Grandison?

But it was not destined to be our lot to add any more new lands to the geography of this part of the world; and H.M.S. Fly and Bramble had been commissioned at home for surveying service in Australasia.

In it the mutual love of Partenio and Amaranta is thwarted by the girl's mother Celia, who destines her for a goatherd.

Bishops have mostly thin legs, so it is to be presumed that they admire them: we destine Tou Tou for a bishop's lady!" Hereupon follows a lively fire of argument between Bobby and his sister; she protesting that she will not espouse a bishop, and he asseverating that she shall.

"To act thus foullyto play thus on the unguarded feelings of a weak, at least, unsophisticated, unsuspecting girlto gain her love, to destine her to ruin and shame, the heartless miscreant!

after *desterrar* banish *destierro* m. banishment *destinar* destine *destrozar* tear, destroy *desván* m. attic *desvelo* m. anxiety, watchful care *desventurado* unfortunate *detener(se)* stop *determinar a* decide *deuda* f. debt *día* m. day; *hoy

vous n'épouserez pas celui qu'il vous destine? SILVIA.

Oui, Chevalier, je l'épouse; la chose est conclue, et le Ciel vous destine à une autre qu'à moi.

Ainsi, mon neveu, prenez toujours vos petites précautions, et vous mettez[20] en état de vous passer de mon bien, que je vous destine aujourd'hui, et que je vous ôterai

On vous montrera l'appartement que je vous destine; s'il ne vous convient pas, il y en a d'autres, et vous choisirez.

Marton vous cherche pour vous montrer l'appartement qu'on vous destine.

2509 examples of  destines  in sentences