180 examples of deteriorations in sentences

Science is prostituted to deceive the public by cloaking the increasing deterioration in quality of merchandise.

To this life and death question, a great French philosopher, Le Bon, writing in 1910, replied that the one unmistakable symptom of human life was "the increasing deterioration in human character," and a great physicist has described the symptom as "the progressive enfeeblement of the human will.

He does not re-establish the legitimate line of successors of the Prophet; but he renews the glorious tradition of the Khalifate, which after the first thirty years was dragged into the general deterioration, common to all human things.

Without outside aid, and with little or no deterioration, they have maintained their nationalism.

Friedleben believed that in the young without a thymus, there occurred a softening of the bones, and general physical and mental deterioration.

Deterioration of mentality and character so often observed during the menopause, with its apathies or excitements, melancholia or mania, the fits of weeping or gaiety, the loss of grip upon reality, the complete change in mood and temperament that reflect the transformation of the organic outlook, demonstrate clearly the overwhelming influence of the endocrines upon the attitudes of the self toward the self.

Thyroid feeding, properly controlled, will clear up certain of the deteriorations of mind and body observable in the aged.

Whatever may have been the case later in the year, we had, however, no evidence in the spring of 1917 of deterioration of morale amongst German submarine crews, nor was there any reason for such a result.

There is another evil which sometimes results from the too common neglect of this rule, which is, that it endangers the deterioration of the quality of the milk.

So long as public opinion permits or even encourages women, who either are or will be mothers, to neglect the preparation for, and the performance of, the duties of domestic life and of maternity, by engaging in laborious and unhealthy industrial occupations, so long shall we pay the penalty in that physical and moral deterioration of the race which we have traced in low city life.

Deterioration of Cleopatra's character.

Rarely does there occur a more striking example of how the deteriorations of language affect mythology.

There's a steady deterioration.

But though Artevelde speaks truly and well, you remember how Mr. Taylor, in that noble play, works out to our view the sad sight of the deterioration of character, the growing coarseness and harshness, the lessening tenderness and kindliness, which are apt to come with advancing years.

Manumission was thus no remedy for the deterioration of the citizens: it was powerless even to better the condition of the slave.

On the other hand, the internationalization of industries would soon, by excluding and preventing any competition, produce a deterioration of products and a profound demoralization of the working population.

As for Mr. Henry, to save his client money, and to protect money, he does not carehe does not even perceivehow he induces deterioration of character.

Marriage and competency had protected this one from the deteriorations which almost inevitably await those of her class, but they could not save her from the natural process of an undisciplined mind, an ungoverned temper, and a caprice verging on insanity.

Science may some day definitely locate the reasons, just as it may find the reason for deterioration in the quality of Cuban tobacco eastward from that area.

They fancy that inward incapacity must invariably correspond with physical deterioration, small build, weak muscles, anæmic brain, and weak intelligence.

It is becoming a general social policy to prevent the abnormal strains of industry that cause the unnatural deterioration of the human factor in industry.

Lightness is not the only requisite for bread, and should be secured with as little deterioration of the flour as possible.

Bul. 112Fire-killed Douglas fir: a study of its rate of deterioration, usability, and strength.

That change is the measure of the timidity and sophistication, the moral deterioration inevitably produced in any people by the consciousness of its dependence for the means of labor and life upon other nations.

It is so remarkable as to be, at all events, worth noting, that contemporaneously with this singular deterioration in respect to crime, another social change has taken place in Florence.

180 examples of  deteriorations  in sentences