706 examples of detests in sentences

Everybody detests a liar and despises a thief.

You know now the physiognomy of Madame Bovary in repose, when she is inciting no one, when she does not sin, when she is still completely innocent, and when, on her return from a rendezvous, she is by the side of her husband, whom she detests; you know now the general colour of the picture, the general physiognomy of Madame Bovary.

And besides, if these men are in open rebellion, they ought to be glad to see anybody that their government detests, Yankees or not.

He had rather smother an injury than revenge himself of the impotent, and I know not whether he more detests cowardliness or cruelty.

Otherwise, in good truth, "moonshine and turn-out" at eleven, A.M., would be even worse than "tea and turn-out" at eight, P.M., which the "fervida juventus" of young England so loudly detests.

Nay more, much as every right mind abhors and detests such things, I would sooner behold our literature holding in one hand the murderous Bowie knife, and in the other the pistol of the duellist, than to see her laden with the foul secrets of a London hell, or the gaming-houses of Paris.

Whether he desires or detests it, the condition remains the same.

No gentleman within these walls detests every idea of slavery more than I do: it is generally detested by the people of this Commonwealth; and I ardently hope that the time will soon come, when our brethren in the southern States will view it as we do, and put a stop to it; but to this we have no right to compel them.

Whether he desires or detests it, the condition remains the same.

Whether he desires or detests it, the condition remains the same.

No gentleman within these walls detests every idea of slavery more than I do: it is generally detested by the people of this Commonwealth; and I ardently hope that the time will soon come, when our brethren in the southern States will view it as we do, and put a stop to it; but to this we have no right to compel them.

Who dares think one thing, and another tell, My heart detests him as the gates of Hell.

but he despises, detests them!

The Greenlander detests turtle soup as much as we abominate train oil.

2. "Who dares think one thing and an other tell, My soul detests him as the gates of hell.

She that I love, is stolenis forced away, And who knows where she's by the tyrant hid, Or with what outrages his ruffian crew May force her into nuptials she detests?

The Tartuffe exposed to the indignation of France, a character, which every good man detests.


An independent bachelor is sure, whether he likes it or not, to have, as life goes on, more and more enforced solitudethat is, if he detests living in a town.

Sometimes a girl commits suicide rather than marry a man whom she detests, "whereas on the other hand suicide from unhappy love seems to be unknown."

" Notwithstanding the Convention still detests Christianity, utters anathemas against England, and exhibits daily scenes of indecent discussion and reviling, it is doubtless become more moderate on the whole; and though this moderation be not equal to the people's wishes, it is more than sufficient to exasperate the Jacobins, who call the Convention the Senate of Coblentz, and are perpetually endeavouring to excite commotions.

In such bless'd dreams Biblis enjoys a flame; Which waking she detests, and dares not name.

It is a positive delight sometimes to watch a thoroughly nasty person, and to reflect how much one detests him.

"She never walks by the shore; she detests the sea.

She despises priests, laughs at miracles, and detests festivals.

706 examples of  detests  in sentences