Do we say deviled or devilled

deviled 9 occurrences

A basket of them filled the center of the table, and at each place was a scalloped shell containing deviled crab meat garnished with lemon quarters and accompanied by tartar sauce.

DEVILED EGGS WITH HOT SAUCE Take six hard-boiled eggs, cut lengthwise, remove yolk and add to same: one dessertspoon of melted butter, Cayenne pepper, salt and chopped parsley.

DEVILED TONGUE SANDWICHES Grind up tongue (root will do) in meat chopper; to a cup of ground tongue add one teaspoon of mustard, one tablespoon of soup, and one teaspoon of mayonnaise.

DEVILED BRAINS Put one tablespoon of fat in skillet, and when hot add two tablespoons of flour, rub until smooth, and brown lightly, then add one-half can of tomatoes, season with salt, pepper, finely-chopped parsley, and a dash of cayenne pepper, and the brains which have previously been cleaned, scalded with boiling water, and cut in small pieces.

Opposite to me was the settee on which Bashforth was coiled, and back of him was the locker for the tinned mushrooms, sardines, lobster, shrimp, caviar, deviled ham, and all the things which well people can eat.

She pitched forward, and again the mushrooms and deviled ham aimed for him.

"The deviled crab table was presided over by Mrs. Dooley."

Mrs. F. proposed that one of the legs should be deviled, and the gentlemen have it served up as a relish for their wine.

She deviled Casey all she could, and led him straight to the spot and suggested that they eat their lunch there, within twenty feet of the bushes from which she had seen the Indian creep with the sack on his back.

devilled 15 occurrences

Here was, belike, a noble knight or a lusty fellow be-devilled into a bat.

" "Why then a shivering, quaking o' the back-bone?" "Roger, man, what troubles thee now?" "I do fear thou'rt be-devilled and moon-struck, master!"

" "And wherefore?" "Master," quoth Roger, glancing furtively about, "in my youth I did see a goodly man be-devilled by horrid spells by an ancient hag that was a noted witch, and he acted thusa poor wight that was thereafter damnably be-devilled into a small, black rabbit, see you" "Saw you all this indeed, Roger?" "All but the be-devilling, master, for being young and sore frighted I ran away and hid myself.

" "And wherefore?" "Master," quoth Roger, glancing furtively about, "in my youth I did see a goodly man be-devilled by horrid spells by an ancient hag that was a noted witch, and he acted thusa poor wight that was thereafter damnably be-devilled into a small, black rabbit, see you" "Saw you all this indeed, Roger?" "All but the be-devilling, master, for being young and sore frighted I ran away and hid myself.

The breast is the only part which is looked on as fine in a turkey, the legs being very seldom cut off and eaten at table: they are usually removed to the kitchen, where they are taken off, as here marked, to appear only in a form which seems to have a special attraction at a bachelor's supper-table,we mean devilled: served in this way, they are especially liked and relished.

The bacon was down to a piece of fat two inches thick and seven inches long; there was bacon grease a couple of inches deep in a tomato-can; there was a teacup of flour; there was one small tin of sardines and a smaller one of devilled meat.

As Frank remarked, it was a very different thing to sit there in the broiling sun and eat sandwiches and devilled eggs, or to consume the same viands with the yacht madly flying along in rolling waves and dashing spray.


But we had the start, crippled and be-devilled though we were; and as the night fell, we contrived to lose sight of our large friend, and pursue our voyage to Jamaica.

This succulent morceau is now eaten fried, with a sauce of devilled lentils and oil.

Yes, sir; I fetched 'em back, I did" A sudden and curious gleam of pride crossed the smirk for an instant;"I guess my gentleman ain't agoing to look no worse than the next Fifth Avenue swell he meetseven if he ain't et no devilled kidneys for breakfast and he don't dine on no canvas-back at Delmonico's.

It becomes at last a devilled soul.

Than the first three years' proceedings of our Cooks (and we had three), Till JOACHIM (of Goshen) made a dish (of devilled bones), Which he flaunted in the face of ARTHUR B. with swelling tones.


Devilled biscuits, 98.

Do we say   deviled   or  devilled