94 examples of deviltry in sentences

"What deviltry is behind all this talk, Mr. Donnegan?" "Is that fair to me?

" She caught her breath and then a spark of deviltry gleamed.

"Give me him an' Jacob Sitz, sir, an' I'll guarantee to follow Thayendanega an' his precious scoundrels till we know what deviltry they've got in mind.

"What new deviltry are they up to now?"

Finally the alarm clock quit jingling, and they caught the seal and pulled the clock off his tooth, and just then pa came up to me and said: "What deviltry you boys up to now?

His rude guardian addressed himself to the modification of this facial expression; it had not enough of majesty in it, for instance, or of large dare-deviltry; but with care these could be made to come.

You like deviltry for the sake of the deviltry itself.

You like deviltry for the sake of the deviltry itself.

On the contrary, he rather liked the bird and, out of deviltry, tried to teach him oaths.

The son of a Spanish mestizoa rich merchant in one of the suburbs, who based all his hopes and joys on the boy's talenthe promised well with his roguery, and, thanks to his custom of playing tricks on every one and then hiding behind his companions, he had acquired a peculiar hump, which grew larger whenever he was laughing over his deviltry.

Their communications had sometimes a ridiculous aimlessness, and occasionally a subtle deviltry coated about with religion, like a pill with sugar, but often a significant and fearful accuracy.

[Illustration] CHAPTER XVIII BARBARA'S MESSENGER We had a healthy respect for the deviltry of Leith and his friends as we turned our backs upon the lonely throne of the centipede, but the cry of "Father" which Edith Herndon had uttered was still ringing in our ears, and we were anxious to get within hitting distance of the big, treacherous ruffian.

" The party came trooping in, and Frank was not a little astonished to observe among them Bruce Browning, a big, strong, lazy sophomore, a fellow who was known to be a great hand to plan deviltry which was usually carried into execution by his friends.

He had a long, sad face, but he was full of deviltry, and it was very seldom that the freshmen entered into any affair against the sophomores that he was not on hand and interested.

"I'll bet the kids get some of their deviltry by direct line of descent.

Little enough did I ever get out of that particular piece of deviltry.

More than likely Grizzly Weber hit the truth when he said: "It was a piece of pure deviltry on their part.

The people of Tautira, from Ori-a-Ori to Matatini, had the fullest confidence that Tufetufetu had shown them a miracle, and that it was not evil; but to the American and European missionaries the Umuti was deviltry, the magic of Simon Magus and his successors, This was shown clearly in the statement of Deacon Taumihau of Raiatea, which I give in Tahitian and English: E parau teie te umu a Tupua.

That the behaviour of the slaveholders resulted from the circumstances in which they were placed and not from any innate deviltry is a fact now conceded by all impartial men.

"Are you awake at last to the deviltry that stirred youthe damnable, misguided, distorted conscience that twisted you into a murderer of souls?

Here Jim had some deviltry in mind, for he edged up closer; but what it was never transpired, for Emett suddenly pointed to the horses and said to the Indian: "Chineago (feed).

The doctor's eye passed around a semicircle of some eight men, the most of whom were quite young, but one or two of whom were gray, sitting with their arms thrown out upon the wash-board, in the dark négligé of amateur fishermen and with that exultant look of expectant deviltry in their handsome faces which characterizes the Creole with his collar off.

I am sure my grandfather must have been up to some rather striking deviltry, and for all I know he might have been hanged.

I sized it up that there was deviltry of more than usual significance behind this selling movement; that Barry Conant must have unlimited orders to sell and smash.

They gave me hearty welcome, those good friends of my mother, and I spent a full year in the college, although, to be frank, I was near being sent home more than once for fighting and other deviltry.

94 examples of  deviltry  in sentences