3985 examples of devotion in sentences

The practice is said to aid in banishing distractions, and contributes greatly to attention and devotion.

He read the whole Office daily and added to it prayers to obtain the grace of better attention and devotion.

With this thought excite yourself to say the Office with the greatest possible devotion.

To understand the developments of the devotion, it is important to grasp the fact that the Ave Maria was merely a form of greeting.

The responsories are placed after the lessons, the old writers on liturgy say, to excite attention and devotion, to thank God for the instruction given in the lessons, to make us realise and practise what has been read and to teach us that "Blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it."

Writers on liturgy answer, 1st to offer to God the first fruits of our day, of our work, of our devotion, following in this the example of Christ, Who from His first entry into the world offered Himself to His Father for the salvation of mankind.

The spirit of meekness and humility; greater devotion to the Eucharist; greater love of the Blessed Virgin; the priestly vows.

Devotion to the Holy Ghost; devotion to the Passion.

Devotion to the Holy Ghost; devotion to the Passion.

For, the excellent and salutary custom has grown up in Holy Church that all shall sing her hymn (the Magnificat) every day with the Vesper Psalms, in order that the recalling of the Lord's incarnation, by this means, may the oftener incite the souls of the faithful to devotion and that the consideration of the example set by His Mother may confirm them in the stability of virtue.

The conversion of sinners; the wants of the Church; those in death agony; spread of Eucharistic devotion; daily Communion; priest adorers; reparation for bad Communions; reparation for impieties and irreverences towards the Eucharist.

Regularity in visits to Blessed Sacrament; Fervour in Mass and in administering Holy Communion; a happy death; true and deep devotion to Mary.

The Irish Daily Mass Crusade; Total Abstinence; devotion to the Passion; devotion to the agonising Heart of Jesus.

The Irish Daily Mass Crusade; Total Abstinence; devotion to the Passion; devotion to the agonising Heart of Jesus.

The spread of the devotion in several countries led Pope Sixtus IV.

Devotion to the Mother of God was continued by the apostles after the death of her Son.

Fervent and widespread devotion is traceable in the Church's early days, but the organising of our Lady's feasts was a work of some time and difficulty.

In St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians (modern Khonus on the Lycus) he speaks of this devotion and of the attempts of a Gnostic sect to spread false doctrines on this point (Col. ii, 18).

Although the evil wrought was long lived, true devotion to the angels was practised in Colossae and there the Archangel Michael appeared.

Devotion to the Archangel was of very early date in Rome and in the Western Church generally.

But in Rome, devotion was closely connected with the date and with the exact places of martyrdom.

But devotion far and wide begins with mediaeval times.

Patsy spied her and rushed up to give old Nora a hug and kiss, and the other two girls saluted the blind woman with equal cordiality, for long ago she had won the love and devotion of all three.

How could she dream that it sprang out of anything other than a wild devotion to her?

With them all Nature had a voice, and the most senseless beings, and most trivial things, the most trifling incidents, became presages of future events; which introduced ceremonies founded on a mistaken knowledge of antiquity, the most childish and ridiculous, and which were performed with all the air of solemnity and sanctity of devotion.

3985 examples of  devotion  in sentences