109 examples of diagnosed in sentences

Her case was diagnosed as one of brain fever and of a most dangerous type.

He diagnosed it as only a slight disturbance.

" "She don't put her mind on her meals," Dwight Herbert diagnosed it.

He gave the jug a look whichwrongly, as it was to turn outI diagnosed as censorious.

Mrs. Lessways, who was incapable of sustained thought, and who had completely forgotten and recalled the subject of the cottage-rents several times since the departure of Mrs. Grant, nevertheless at once diagnosed the cause of the trouble; and with her usual precipitancy began to repulse an attack which had not even been opened.

Immediately afterwards, the doctor, summoned in alarm, diagnosed peritonitis caused by a perforating cancer.

Without any precise symptom, that which was diagnosed as pneumonia turned to hepatitis, becoming in the judgment of others pericarditis, and meanwhile the patient, with his brain as clear as ever and his natural gentleness, went on submitting himself to every experiment, accepting every medicine, and dying inch by inch.

His case was diagnosed as one of failure of the heart's action.

For, indeed, he could have diagnosed the case completely himself, as a sore due to compulsory friction of the epidermis against an iron bedstead.

"I so diagnosed it," she flashed back at him.

The condition was diagnosed and pus liberated at the sole of one foot during the third day of the lameness.

Should this ridge-like formation and the accompanying symptoms of pain and lameness occur after repair of a sand-crack, then keraphyllocele may, with tolerable certainty, be diagnosed.

Unless there has been discovered a fistula, which on probing is seen to lead direct to the position in which we know the cartilage to be, we know of no precise means by which the existence of this condition may be diagnosed.

At other times fractures in this region take place without ascertainable cause, and cases are on record where animals turned overnight into a loose box in their usual sound condition have been found in the morning excessively lame, and fracture afterwards diagnosed.

Crepitus is, of course, denied us, and in nearly every instance the case is only diagnosed when the lameness persists and pus commences to form, or when grave changes in the normal shape of the foot compel our attention to the parts.

As the lameness continued to increase in severity, Mr. Hurrell was called in on August 1, and diagnosed the case as one of foot lameness.

I diagnosed it a case of fracture, without displacement, either of the os coronæ or the navicular bone, but was more inclined to the former than the latter.

Fracture of the navicular bone, if in any way diagnosed with certainty, offers us an almost hopeless case, for it appears to be a commonly reported fact that attempts at reunion are rare.

The prognosis of navicular disease (once diagnosed with certainty) must almost of necessity be unfavourable.

Feb. 7.M.O. diagnosed influenza.

Dec. 10.M.O. diagnosed attack as due to something which True Born believes to be tobacco, with which he disinfects the house, the mess-sheds, and the streets of Berkhamsted.

From it the horizontal form goes to (2) the Advanced Dressing Station, where more attention is given to it; and thence to (3) the Field Ambulance proper, where the case is really diagnosed and provisionally classed.

" Undoubtedly she successfully diagnosed the case.

He shook his head incredulously when the neighbours who had gathered round the invalid each diagnosed some particular ailment, and recommended every imaginable sort of household remedy, from decoctions of rare herbs and stinking ointments to applications on the chest of miracle working prints, and tracing seven crosses on the navel with as many paternosters.

At least that was the way I diagnosed my complaint.

109 examples of  diagnosed  in sentences