12 examples of dialog in sentences

However, that is a matter of no consequence, as we are both familiar with the dialog, or rather the service.

The characteristic quality, according to Aristotle, which is possessed by the Socratic dialogs, by the Homeric epics, and by the dramas of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, and which classifies them together as poetic, is not verse but mimesis, imitation.

Aristotle's philosophy of rhetoric, Cicero's charming dialog on his profession, Quintilian's treatise on the teaching of rhetoricnone of these is a text-book.

[A dialog between the Reader and Editor,Indian Home Rule].

It occurs in The Doctor and Student, a series of dialogues between a doctor of divinity and a student on the laws of England, first published in 1518; and is there (Dialog.

In amator. dialog. 4720.

m Roger C. Wilson, dialog by Paul Jordan Monroe.

Index to monologs and dialogs.

m Roger C. Wilson, dialog by Paul Jordan Monroe.

Index to monologs and dialogs.

There seems to be a gap in the dialog after "Not myself, no aid is granted."

there are forty lines of dialog between Escarpin and Polemius.

12 examples of  dialog  in sentences